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Nzoner's Game Room>Caleb Williams is destined to be a massive bust
penguinz 08:18 AM 03-01-2024

BREAKING: USC QB Caleb Williams has DECLINED to medical examinations with teams at the Combine and did not sign off on having his medical records shared
with all teams.

Williams is believed to be the first combine invitee ever to decline an examination, per CBS.

— MLFootball (@_MLFootball) March 1, 2024

notorious 09:03 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by Jerm:
What's "all the other shit"...?

I keep hearing this....that there's ALLLLL this stuff about Williams when in reality, there's nothing.

The only thing people bag on him for is the crying in the stands which is what ever.
Guess you haven’t read this thread.
The Franchise 09:08 AM 03-29-2024
This country has a real problem with dudes showing their emotions in public.
Jerm 09:10 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by notorious:
Guess you haven’t read this thread.
Ah dumb shit that has zero effect on how he'll play or how his career will play out.


I mean it's right up there with murdering someone...

It's over.
Mecca 09:10 AM 03-29-2024

Caleb Williams is slowly turning into one of my favorite personalities in Football

— The Mock Draft Guy ™️ (@MockDraftGuyYT) March 29, 2024

UChieffyBugger 09:11 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:

He’s the same height as Drew Brees.

And there were tons of college QBs who were better prospects than Mahomes. It’s OK to say that.
Lol yeah he's Brees's height but the issue is Caleb plays nothing like Drew. Teams are gonna have big DL guys stick their hands up and mess his vision up like they do to Russ and Kyler. So we'll see if he can deal with it.

And your second point misses the point I was making. Imo if QB 1 is surrounded by way more talent than QB 2 but both have similar stats then that should be considered. Caleb played with first round talent on his offense. Trevor played with multiple top class players too and so did Burrow etc. Put Pat in those situations and are those other QB's seen as better prospects? No chance.
notorious 09:13 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by Jerm:
Ah dumb shit that has zero effect on how he'll play or how his career will play out.


I mean it's right up there with murdering someone...

It's over.
Murdering someone?

I have no idea what this has to do with our conversation.


I guess it’s that point in the thread where someone goes completely off the rails spouting weird shit.
ThrobProng 09:14 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by The Franchise:
This country has a real problem with dudes showing their emotions in public.
That must be why Chris Jones catches so much flak for crying during the national anthem, right? Lol

In Williams' case, the problem isn't showing emotion, it's the level of emotion as well as why he's showing them.

Bawling like a baby in mommy's arms because you lost is pathetic, if the person crying is over the age of 12.
Jerm 09:15 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by notorious:
Murdering someone?

I have no idea what this has to do with our conversation.


I guess it’s that point in the thread where someone goes completely off the rails spouting weird shit.
I made the analogy because it feels like some of you are comparing nonsense to true off the field issues.

A little hyperbolic sure but the point remains.

Again, you're just hating to hate...dude has done nothing to show he can't be an elite NFL QB.
notorious 09:15 AM 03-29-2024
Time will tell.

I’m done here.
The Franchise 09:17 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by ThrobProng:
That must be why Chris Jones catches so much flak for crying during the national anthem, right? Lol

In Williams' case, the problem isn't showing emotion, it's the level of emotion as well as why he's showing them.

Bawling like a baby in mommy's arms because you lost is pathetic, if the person crying is over the age of 12.
Because people aren't allowed to show emotions how THEY want too? Chris Jones doesn't catch flak for crying because he's a player on the Chiefs. Go back and look at what everyone said about the Eagles coach for doing the same thing.
Jerm 09:18 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by The Franchise:
Because people aren't allowed to show emotions how THEY want too? Chris Jones doesn't catch flak for crying because he's a player on the Chiefs. Go back and look at what everyone said about the Eagle's coach for doing the same thing.
...or Knowshon Moreno.
Katipan 09:19 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by The Franchise:
This country has a real problem with dudes showing their emotions in public.
It's changing.

More and more dudes in their 20s and 30s will openly tell their guy friends that they love them.

Even here in Casa de Neanderthal.

Never happened when i was growing up.
You'd have all sorts of self declared men afraid to catch the gay.
The Franchise 09:20 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by Katipan:
It's changing.

More and more dudes in their 20s and 30s will openly tell their guy friends that they love them.

Even here in Casa de Neanderthal.

Never happened when i was growing up.
You'd have all sorts of self declared men afraid to catch the gay.
The older generation better get used to guys like Caleb Williams because there are going to be more just like him making their way into their sports.

Good thing for them is they can sit in their recliners with a beer in their hand and bitch about how "men used to be men" while no one listens to them.
Mecca 09:20 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by Katipan:
It's changing.

More and more dudes in their 20s and 30s will openly tell their guy friends that they love them.

Even here in Casa de Neanderthal.

Never happened when i was growing up.
You'd have all sorts of self declared men afraid to catch the gay.
GenZ legit doesn't give a fuck and is more open about those things, so they are being judged hard by the old guys.

Hence this thread.
Mecca 09:21 AM 03-29-2024
Originally Posted by The Franchise:
The older generation better get used to guys like Caleb Williams because there are going to be more just like him making their way into their sports.

Good thing for them is they can sit in their recliners with a beer in their hand and bitch to no one about how "men used to be men" while no one listens to them.
Obviously they will stop watching just like when they stopped watching when dudes took a knee...uh huh
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