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Media Center>Avatar: The Last Airbender (Netflix)
Chiefspants 10:42 PM 09-05-2020
So, this is like, my opinion and all, but this is one of the finest episodes of television I have ever watched. I watched it for the first time this year, and I was bawling. Unbelievable episode to be in a kids show, and an episode that truly holds its own with anything on TV.

Mephistopheles Janx 11:21 PM 04-16-2024
Bumping because 4 years after I made this post I still believe that Avatar: The Last Airbender is the best animated series ever put on TV. If you have kids from 4-14... this show will likely speak to them on some level.

I cannot recommend the Netflix live action adaptation. Stay the fuck away from the M. Knight SHmamamamalalmaman movie. The cartoon is just *SO* damn good.


An aside here, I just found out that the music from the show is going to be played as live music by orchestra on a world wide tour. The music is composed and arranged by the same person who did the music for the original series.
dlphg9 12:10 AM 04-17-2024
The Netflix series is god damn ****ing terrible awful. Completely butchered the source material. Stupid ass trash.

I remember being in high school when The Last Airbender series premiered and absolutely loved it. I've watched it a couple of times since then. So good!
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