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Hall of Classics>Women and Fire Fighters
chris 10:04 PM 11-11-2004
Being recently divorced after 13 years of marriage, I joined and started emailng with numerous women.

One was pretty cool. After 4 months of emails, I decided to drive 3 hours to have lunch with her.

She was intelligent, witty, blond, and beautiful. WOW.

After lunch we walked around town talking; then passed a fire station. Her 3 yr son was with us and I got the BRIGHT idea to see if a Fire fighter would give us a tour.

This big burly guy said "sure" and proceeded to show us all the trucks and equipment. Fun for all was had.

Since the lunch, we sent emails back & forth planning my next trip for next week.

I'm thinking this is great! Someone like me who hasn't played the game for all these years has hit the jackpot with this wonderful woman.

THEN YESTERDAY, I get a email stating that she and the firefighter had "ran into" each other, and now they want a relationship with each other!! And the email ended with the dreaded words...."I hope we can still be friends".

Moral of the story: On a first date, don't go to a fire station.
