For the time being, we set the price to $1, and we can't limit it to just the game testers, so if you're interested, you'll also get the $1 price. Just sign up.
This is a fresh reset, so everyone will have new teams and we'll do a new draft.
Also, please give us any feedback about what you like or don't like, and how we can improve navigation. We've updated all of the systems, so there's a chance that errors are lurking somewhere, but we think we're good to go now. Let us know if something bad happens to you. [Reply]
This long fight scene with Rey and this red jedi guy dude with two 'light daggers' or whatever. And she's fending him off and such and then one of the blades just...isn't there anymore.
He parries a swing, spins her around and has his left hand ready to just plunge that dagger thing in her back after he subdues her and the blade in his left hand just...vanishes. He holds his hand there like 'uh...missed your mark' and there's a cut.
Did what's her head just fuck that up so badly so frequently that they just decided 'ah screw it, we'll fix it in post...' and they moved along?
You have to watch that fight again - it's the most ridiculous thing. It has to be that she couldn't get the fight scene figured out so they just gave up. [Reply]
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
He parries a swing, spins her around and has his left hand ready to just plunge that dagger thing in her back after he subdues her and the blade in his left hand just...vanishes. He holds his hand there like 'uh...missed your mark' and there's a cut.
Wow. Just watched this and it is pretty bad.
He could have gutted her like a fish with his left blade as soon as she parried.
That's moviemaking for you, though. If it's not immediately noticeable no one cares.
Ok nerds, I’d like to move up soon as possible so my pick doesn’t get stolen in front of me again. Anyone picking first thing this morning want to fall back a few spots? Shoot me an offer [Reply]