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Nzoner's Game Room>X Factor got X Factored by Chiefs!
KingPriest2 03:09 PM 10-15-2021
Attached: B2B7B84F-FB7D-4EDA-BC65-22741A19070E.jpg (25.8 KB) 
Bugeater 10:57 AM 01-05-2024
Wow. I have no words...
Bearcat 11:02 AM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by Bugeater:
Wow. I have no words...
When words fail you, post a pic of your Camaro instead.
raybec 4 11:05 AM 01-05-2024
The very definition of someone being their own worst enemy.
Pablo 11:06 AM 01-05-2024
So this is the sort of mental illness that would drive someone to become a super fan.

Interesting indeed
Bugeater 11:11 AM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by Bearcat:
When words fail you, post a pic of your Camaro instead.
I don't currently own one...
DaFace 11:14 AM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by TLO:
Drugs and mental illness don't mix well.
As much as I want to laugh at the guy, this is what it really comes down to to me. Dude's got major issues and no sign that he'll likely be getting help soon.
Donger 11:16 AM 01-05-2024
LoneWolf 11:20 AM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by DaFace:
As much as I want to laugh at the guy, this is what it really comes down to to me. Dude's got major issues and no sign that he'll likely be getting help soon.
He will eventually die either from a drug overdose, getting killed doing something stupid like driving 140 mph, or he'll off himself in a drag aided depression.
ToxSocks 11:31 AM 01-05-2024
OMFG this Knigga is disgusting. Oh fuck, i really wish i could unsee what i just saw. Ughhh revolting. How dafuq did i even get to his Facebook?

I just saw a few seconds of this foo' sucking and licking his fingers. Sooooo fucking gross.
LoneWolf 11:34 AM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by Detoxing:
OMFG this K****a is disgusting. Oh fuck, i really wish i could unsee what i just saw. Ughhh revolting. How dafuq did i even get to his Facebook?

I just saw a few seconds of this foo' sucking and licking his fingers. Sooooo fucking gross.
Did you get to see his wang? Did it have a little X-factor cheesehead on it and a strand of red and yellow beads dangling from his balls?
ToxSocks 11:42 AM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by LoneWolf:
Did you get to see his wang? Did it have a little X-factor cheesehead on it and a strand of red and yellow beads dangling from his balls?
God that's gross.
Mephistopheles Janx 11:50 AM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by LoneWolf:
Did you get to see his wang? Did it have a little X-factor cheesehead on it and a strand of red and yellow beads dangling from his balls?
I'm guessing his wang has a cheesehead on it. Smegma is a real thing.
Eleazar 12:14 PM 01-05-2024
If you ever have someone in your life who deals with real mental illness, you will find yourself all the time wondering how much of the blame goes to their choices and how much to their illness. There's really no answer.
Bwana 12:23 PM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by RollChiefsRoll:


Wow :-)
ToxSocks 12:26 PM 01-05-2024
Originally Posted by Eleazar:
If you ever have someone in your life who deals with real mental illness, you will find yourself all the time wondering how much of the blame goes to their choices and how much to their illness. There's really no answer.
His mental illness is caused BY the drug abuse.
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