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Media Center>Game of Thrones Thread
BigRedChief 08:29 PM 01-08-2015
Feel free to discuss any future speculation, theories. Anything from the books is fair game to post. Everything that has been broadcast on TV or from HBO. No spoilers needed.

  1. If you watched or know the events that will take place in a unaired episode that has not been broadcast on HBO, you must put all the information and comments in a spoiler tag.
  2. Do not post any media of any kind involving actual content from unaired episodes without being in a spoiler. The only exception to the spoiler rule is content publicly posted from HBO and or the GOT actor themselves. Teasers, promos, trailers etc.

Any person unable to follow the spoiler rules will be banned from this thread. 14 days for first offense. Perm banned from the thread for a 2nd offense.

MagicHef 01:17 AM 06-03-2015
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
What's this I've read about Bran being The Other's champion?
I think the idea is basically that warging is diametrically opposed to fire magic, and the Great Other is diametrically opposed to R'hllor. Melisandre even sees a vision of Bloodraven and thinks that he is the Great Other. I believe that some people have even postulated that Bran is the Great Other (he's already more powerful than Bloodraven, since he has communicated through the weirwoods, which Bloodraven said was impossible).

My favorite crazy Bran theory is that he gets so good at the greenseer stuff that he is able to basically time travel, and all of the Brandon Starks throughout history are him. Some of Old Nan's sayings support this, or they could be written off as the musings of an old senile person.
mdchiefsfan 05:00 AM 06-03-2015

Pretty lengthy theory, but raises some interesting questions. Was the wall built to keep humans, alive during the Age of Heroes, out of the North?

I want to spin off of this: was the Night's Watch originally manned by Others to keep humans on the southern side of the wall? Once the Night's King was banished from the Wall it was established that no fort should be built blocking the south's access to the wall to maintain an access to the Night's Watch. This would also explain the division of the Night's Watch from the Seven Kingdoms. That would explain the 13 Lord Commanders potentially being White Walkers as well.

Far out there, but interesting.
duncan_idaho 10:34 AM 06-03-2015
Originally Posted by MagicHef:
There are a lot of "inconsistencies" in a lot of the backstories that are revealed to the readers, and I think a lot of them will turn out to be significant, especially as GRRM loves to use the unreliable narrator:

-Everyone thinks Jon is Ned's son. This doesn't seem to be the case.

-Dany remembers a lemon tree outside her childhood home, which she has been told was in Braavos. However, we are told by other characters that lemons don't grow in Braavos.

-Jeor tells Jon that Longclaw (Valyrian bastard sword) was a Mormont ancestral weapon that he gave to Jorah, and Jorah left it behind when he fled for Essos. However, Jorah seems to be unaware of this, not even mentioning this when Dany tells him that she will get him a Valyrian sword for his service. Also, it is somewhat odd that such an insignificant house would have such a weapon. Coincidentally, the only other Valyrian bastard sword ever mentioned, Blackfyre (Targaryen ancestral sword) disappeared right around the same time Bloodraven joined the Night's Watch.

Hadn't even thought about that last point, but it is VERY interesting.
Skyy God 10:44 AM 06-03-2015
Ice dragons v. fire dragons?

Just had a D&D nerdgasm.
ThaVirus 10:58 AM 06-03-2015
What's the significance of the lemon tree and Danaerys' home?
duncan_idaho 11:46 AM 06-03-2015
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
What's the significance of the lemon tree and Danaerys' home?
Well, the only place lemons grow in Westeros is Dorne...
Amnorix 11:50 AM 06-03-2015
This is the spoiler thread, so....

but I will play it safe.


ThaVirus 11:57 AM 06-03-2015
Ah, interesting. I don't recall any of that being mentioned where I am in the books.

I've got AFFC now, just waiting on ADWD to do the tandem reading thing.
mdchiefsfan 12:07 PM 06-03-2015
Originally Posted by eDave:
That bit bothered me.

Here is the most lore I could find:

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, ice dragons are said to roam the Shivering Sea and the White Waste. They are said to be larger than the dragons of Valyria and made out of living ice, with pale blue crystal eyes, vast translucent wings and very cold breath - which can instantly freeze people and things solid, a mirror opposite of how the breath of regular dragons burn them. There is a constellation of stars to the north called the ice dragon, with blue eyes that point north.

As he does in "The Lost Lords", Jon Snow recalls several times the stories that Old Nan told of ice dragons when he was a child.
Pretty interesting. The body of water the boats were on during the attack was The Shivering Sea.

MagicHef 12:30 PM 06-03-2015
Originally Posted by Amnorix:
This is the spoiler thread, so....

but I will play it safe.

There's a fantastically crazy theory that Dany is not Aerys' and Rhaella's daughter, but is Rheagar's and Lyanna's. Basically, Lyanna was pregnant with Jon before they went to the Tower of Joy, had him shortly after arriving, then became pregnant with Dany. 9 months later, bed of blood, etc. Ned took Dany along with Dawn to Starfall, and she was hidden there and lied to about her upbringing. Meanwhile, he kept Jon as his own.
Beef Supreme 12:34 PM 06-03-2015
There is another ... Skywalker.
eDave 09:09 PM 06-03-2015
Originally Posted by Hamwallet:
In the 80's he put out a book about ice dragons. Could the white walkers also have a dragon?
Would they have had to kill it first?
crazycoffey 08:53 AM 06-04-2015
Originally Posted by Amnorix:
I admit, I'm not really buying that Tyrion is a Targaryen, but I also can't figure out who will be on that third dragon, so maybe. :-)
I've missed the tryion and dani connection.
DJ's left nut 09:45 AM 06-04-2015
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
It would certainly spice things up.

I've been wondering what the walkers will even do once they get to the Wall. They don't seem like the type to lay siege and apparently there's old magic in the gates preventing them from passing.

They could use a dragon or two to fly over or destroy a section of it.......... Or perhaps they have that horn thingamajig?
Not really - it would seem to pretty much end the showdown.

Seriously, the Others can literally raise an army of the dead at will and in about 8 seconds it would appear. I'm not even sure why they couldn't 're-raise' their already defeated zombies, presuming that they still have limbs attached and what not.

They're essentially unbeatable unless you have air superiority. If Westeros doesn't get some dragons and the dragons aren't able to dispatch of the walkers, then that's the end. Remember, Dragon's aren't impossible to kill, just fairly difficult and with only 3 of them, it wouldn't take much to even neutralize that advantage (because again...unholy army of the living damned and what not).

There can't be ice dragons because that's just game over for humanity.
The Franchise 10:16 AM 06-04-2015
So what's the shocker at the end of this season going to be? Jon dying and being brought back? Zombie Mountain?
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