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Nzoner's Game Room>***NON-POLITICAL COVID-19 Discussion Thread***
JakeF 10:28 PM 02-26-2020
A couple of reminders...

Originally Posted by Bwana:
Once again, don't come in this thread with some kind of political agenda, or you will be shown the door. If you want to go that route, there is a thread about this in DC.
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
People, there is a lot of good information in this thread, let's try to keep the petty bickering to a minimum.

We all have varying opinions about the impact of this, the numbers, etc. We will all never agree with each other. But we can all keep it civil.


Click here for the original OP:


Monticore 09:48 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
****ing Canadians.....:-)
DaFace 09:59 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by
Parsing thru the data, why isn't a single shot of the pfizer vaccine on the table? I understand for long term the 2nd, but damn after the 1 thats a hella response.
Seems to me that the jump from 1 to 2 is pretty significant, no? Especially if a lot of people are going to refuse this thing, that could make a big difference in overall impact.

Not saying that 1 dose isn't worth anything at all, though. Also exciting to see that some level of immunity hits after only 10 days.
[Reply] 10:06 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by DaFace:
Seems to me that the jump from 1 to 2 is pretty significant, no? Especially if a lot of people are going to refuse this thing, that could make a big difference in overall impact.

Not saying that 1 dose isn't worth anything at all, though. Also exciting to see that some level of immunity hits after only 10 days.
Just that we're limited on amount right now. If we had enough, I'm in agreement with you.

But it's scarce so spreading it out might be better?
KS Smitty 10:53 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by TLO:
I'm not sure what platform they are using to meet, but they are clearly having technical issues.
Don't know if it's any better but it's also on CSPAN-3.
DaFace 11:22 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by
Just that we're limited on amount right now. If we had enough, I'm in agreement with you.

But it's scarce so spreading it out might be better?
I think the concern is that one dose wouldn't provide lasting immunity, but I know they don't have enough data to make any conclusions about that definitively.

In short, I'll leave that one up to the people who are smarter than me. :-)
louie aguiar 11:26 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by 'Hamas' Jenkins:
The delivery system is the rate-limiting approach, not the mRNA approach. mRNA is a small, simple set of genetic instructions, but as such, it's fragile. The difficulty in drug development of these vaccines comes from being able to introduce them into the cell without damaging or destroying them or initiating an immune response to soon. That's why they are kept at such cold temperatures, and that's why they are protected by liposomal formulations and that's why they tweaked the mRNA.

Here's how it works:

You inject the vaccine into the upper arm. The mRNA complex enters the cell, but not the nucleus (which means it can't hijack or otherwise interfere with your DNA--it's not a retrovirus, and the people worried about this have no idea what they are talking about). In the cytoplasm of the cell, a ribosome reads the instructions on the mRNA and translates this into a protein--in this case, a spike protein. The spike protein is made and is then carried to the outside of the cell.

Your immune system recognizes this spike protein (an antigen) as foreign and initiates an immune response. The antibodies formed neutralize the spike protein.

In the future, if you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, your body's immune system will recognize the spike protein on the virus, quickly deploy neutralizing antibodies, and clear the infection before a viral reservoir can be established with around 95% efficacy.

It does not change your DNA
It does not make systemic alterations to the cellular structure of your body
There is absolutely no reason to believe long term effects will occur from the introduction of a simple set of coding instructions. Titin is the largest protein in the human body with a size of approximately 3000 kDa. The spike protein is 200 kDa.
Great info. Thank you.
TLO 11:45 AM 12-10-2020
Listening to public comments now.

Some interesting concerns being brought up. But nothing that seems too alarming. A lot of talk about what some people are perceiving as lack of diversity in the trial.

A lot of talk about people who got the placebo in the trials and when they should be offered the vaccine.
DaFace 11:50 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by TLO:
Listening to public comments now.

Some interesting concerns being brought up. But nothing that seems too alarming. A lot of talk about what some people are perceiving as lack of diversity in the trial.

A lot of talk about people who got the placebo in the trials and when they should be offered the vaccine.
While I appreciate the placebo folks, it's hard to say they should be prioritized above healthcare workers and people in long-term care facilities. I'm fine with them getting it well before healthy people like me, though.
petegz28 11:50 AM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by TLO:
Listening to public comments now.

Some interesting concerns being brought up. But nothing that seems too alarming. A lot of talk about what some people are perceiving as lack of diversity in the trial.

A lot of talk about people who got the placebo in the trials and when they should be offered the vaccine.
Political BS.....the fact that the UK is on day 3 of sticking people and we are still talking is a bit irritating.
TLO 11:51 AM 12-10-2020
Also a bunch of discussion coming up about people with "severe allergies" and how they shouldn't take the vaccine.
TLO 11:56 AM 12-10-2020
Some people want expanded access instead of an EUA... What if something goes wrong? What if there is a problem with the vaccine and people lose trust in the FDA?
TLO 11:59 AM 12-10-2020
Ok I'm done posting stuff from "public comments". Some of these people clearly have an agenda.

To note: these aren't public comments from anti-vaxx Anthony, ChiefsPlanet DC poster. But I'm not familiar with some of these organizations these folks are with.
TLO 12-10-2020, 12:03 PM
This message has been deleted by TLO. Reason: THESE PEOPLE ARE MORONS
petegz28 12:04 PM 12-10-2020
Do we usually allow public comments when we approve a virus?
TLO 12:09 PM 12-10-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
Do we usually allow public comments when we approve a virus?
I don't know. :-)

The majority of these people are making solid points and are raising good questions.

Some of them seem off their rocker though. I imagine the scientists listening at the FDA can make the distinction between the two.
Donger 12:10 PM 12-10-2020

This week’s national ensemble forecast predicts that the number of newly reported COVID-19 deaths will likely increase over the next 4 weeks, with 12,600 to 23,400 new deaths likely to be reported in the week ending January 2, 2021. The national ensemble predicts that a total of 332,000 to 362,000 COVID-19 deaths will be reported by this date.
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