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Media Center>Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Hammock Parties 11:24 AM 02-10-2022
May 25. Let's goooo!

Sassy Squatch 03:45 PM 06-09-2022
Bit surprised they had Reva fully intending to go through with torturing Leia in that chair. Not very nice.
Sassy Squatch 03:51 PM 06-09-2022
Also, was it just me or did they sort of write into the story that Reva was the one that gave Darth Vader the idea to later hide a homing beacon in the Millennium Falcon so it would lead to the rebel base in A New Hope?
DJ's left nut 04:24 PM 06-09-2022
Originally Posted by Superturtle:
Also, was it just me or did they sort of write into the story that Reva was the one that gave Darth Vader the idea to later hide a homing beacon in the Millennium Falcon so it would lead to the rebel base in A New Hope?
Excellent point.

I get turned around on the timeline often enough that I just kind of took it as a ripoff of an old idea by the writers.

But it didn't occur to me to consider it a throughput of sorts. I miss most of that stuff, though.

Because again - I'm still confused by whiffle bat sabers and the fact that they don't have a cross guard?. Shouldn't they have one of those? Or wouldn't LOTS of these guys have their hands chopped off?

{shrug} Space Wizards. I'll leave the physics and the Easter eggs to Clay.
Hammock Parties 07:59 PM 06-09-2022
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
So...stupid question.

Are light sabers hot?
canonically they don't generate heat

PRACTICALLY? yeah they kinda do :-)
Hammock Parties 08:05 PM 06-09-2022
the important thing about star wars science is that they never really try to explain it

like none of it at all

so they can do whatever they want

which is why everyone hates that midichlorians nonsense so much

that might be the only example of them trying to get all star trek on us
Hammock Parties 08:07 PM 06-09-2022
by the way, reva doesnt need a redemption arc because she's very plainly a double agent

she's not evil

when have you ever seen her do anything evil, other than being kinda mean?

she didn't nuke that speeder until the fifth brother basically made her

she's a rogue ex-padawan trying to make a difference and is deep, deep undercover

i think the final two episodes are gonna be LIT
Raiderhater 08:27 PM 06-09-2022
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
So...stupid question.

Are light sabers hot? Because on occasion you see them jam one through a steel door and they melt through it. Then you'll see Obi Wan drill some storm trooper with one and instead of slicing through him like a hot knife through butter, he just gets knocked down like he's being whacked with a tourney sword.

I'm confused...

I get it. Space wizards. Not that kind of movie, bruv. But c'mon - this seems like some internal consistency that would be awfully easy to put in place. Like when somebody's hand gets chopped off and instantly cauterizes, why does getting hit in the leg not take THAT off? Just fix the glitch here guys. And I don't truly care which direction you go - just make it some sort of bludgeoning device if production costs mandate. But don't make it a plasma cutter when you want it to be and a whiffle bat when you don't.
Storm troopers get hit with a blaster bolt and are dead, it took Obi-wan two strikes with his light saber to kill two different troopers.

I noticed it last night as well and it had me scratching my head a bit. But, whatever, at least we have gotten to the point in the show where he is actually using it.
Frazod 08:34 PM 06-09-2022
Originally Posted by Raiderhader:
Storm troopers get hit with a blaster bolt and are dead, it took Obi-wan two strikes with his light saber to kill two different troopers.
Heh. That might be the only time in Star Wars history that stormtrooper armor was effective.

Still, nothing is as bad as them getting wiped out by rock throwing teddy bears. :-)
Hammock Parties 08:34 PM 06-09-2022 doesn't matter if star wars is stupid at times

it's damn good clean FUN

Buehler445 09:12 PM 06-09-2022
So I enjoyed it. I too was a bit taken out of it by Obi-Wan hacking away at dudes, but I did enjoy him finding his sealegs and thrashing them later on. I won't lie, I was dorking out.

I thought pre-teen Leia was good in this one. Particularly with Reva, but also in the shoot out. She was believable and added to the story. I also don't hate Reva as much as most.

It's not perfect and it is none too deep, but I'm having a good time.
A Salt Weapon 12:45 AM 06-10-2022
Originally Posted by Superturtle:
Still amazes me that's a fanmade duel. Insanely high quality.
That was amazing. Thank you
Hammock Parties 09:50 AM 06-10-2022
in related news, this is wild

Graystoke 10:33 AM 06-10-2022
I guess this might be a stupid question but here it goes.
I was under the impression from A New Hope that Leia didn't really know Obi-Wan other then through name. How are they going to fix this? Or am I erroneous?

And to build on that if Obi-Wan is going to put himself in grave danger rescuing Leia not once, but twice, isn't that going to send off signals to Darth Vader the importance of Leia?
Fill me in folks.

I am enjoying this show. Episode 4 having Obi-Wan rediscover some of his Jedi skills was cool.
DJ's left nut 10:41 AM 06-10-2022
If I'm 10 years old and 20 odd years later after not having spoken w/ a person who helped me so many years ago, I may have foggy enough memories of the whole thing to begin that conversation more formally before getting a little less informal as it progressed.

I mean yeah, at first blush I would say she sounds like someone in her message that never met Obi Wan. But that doesn't HAVE to be the only reading of it either.
Hammock Parties 10:44 AM 06-10-2022
if you ask me the way Carrie said "Ben KENOBI!?" in ANH definitely reads as having met him 10 years earlier

a mystical hero who once saved you and then vanished into thin air
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