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Media Center>Doctor Who
keg in kc 12:57 PM 03-30-2011
Been meaning to start a thread on this for years and never have for some reason. Big fan of both the original (what I've seen/remember of it...) and the rebooted series.

New doctor:

vailpass 10:45 AM 08-28-2012
Originally Posted by bevischief:
They are about a minute each.

Ponds life day 1

Ponds life day 2
Thanks. Seems DVR worthy.
bevischief 11:02 AM 08-28-2012
Starting 10am on Friday season five will be shown on BBC America and season 6 on Saturday at 10am as well with the specials mixed in as well.
Megbert 11:08 AM 08-28-2012
Originally Posted by whoman69:
An animated Dr. Who would be awsome. Much like the radio serials, they could be voiced by the old doctors. Since it does not involve a long commitment by one actor, I think they would be up for it, especially since they would still look as they did when they were the Doctor. They could find voice actors who sound like those doctors or assistants that have passed on.


Here's a couple with the 10th Doctor.
whoman69 01:06 PM 08-28-2012
Originally Posted by AZORChiefFan:


Here's a couple with the 10th Doctor.
I'd still like to see the classic doctors, since in rl most look pretty old now.
keg in kc 01:37 PM 08-28-2012
Looking forward to Saturday. And looking forward to no more Ponds finally. Everything wears out its welcome eventually.
Barrymore50 08:38 PM 08-28-2012
I agree with Keg. Tired of Ponds--they just always seemed boring to me. I've been disappointed with the show since Moffatt took over though.
bevischief 08:24 AM 08-29-2012

Steven Moffat Asylum Of The Daleks Q&A
Feature Andrew Blair Aug 29, 2012
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After an Edinburgh TV festival screening of Asylum Of The Daleks, Steven Moffat answered a few questions. Here's Andrew's report...

The only thing I'm going to say about Asylum Of The Daleks (already previewed here at Den of Geek) is that the reveal of the second Davros as being a badger in disguise was a bit obvious. The only reason I'm going to say this is because it's a total lie. Davros is not a badger. Repeat: Davros is not a badger.

Or is he?

After host Andrew Collins kicked proceedings off with a few questions of his own for Steven Moffat, he opened things up to the audience. Den of Geek were unable to get any of their many, many questions asked, because many years of typing have left us hunched and tiny-armed like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Also because the crowd was brilliantly enthusiastic. One person put two hands up, which is technically cheating, but Collins is a maverick, and bade him speak.

Our host asked about the blockbuster movie approach to each episode in the new series. This yielded the response that having no obvious cheap episodes has led to the production team 'robbing banks and people' in an effort to make ends meet, but that they had found a way to make the Ponds' final episodes something other than two people in a box talking.

There was a brief discussion about fandom, where The Moff pointed out that a showrunner should not only shut out other people's fan voices, but his own as well (specifying the inaccurate pronunciation of a planet in Asylum of the Daleks as an example of his inner fan speaking up). While most fans acknowledge that the show should be written for a wider audience, boomed Grand Moff Tarkin, he felt that those moaning on the forums were more than welcome: "What is the point of loving something if you can't incessantly complain about it?"

Regarding complaints, fuss had ensued in the press after the issue of a female Doctor arose at the Cardiff convention. The room was largely fine with the idea (apparently the response varies), but it was revealed that the line about Time Lord gender being flexible in The Doctor's Wife was put in by (A Rolling Stone Gathers No) Moff, who also added that it'd be a lot easier in Doctor Who than it would in a James Bond film (but that it would be worth it for Judi Dench's face).

There have been reports in newspapers about overnight viewing figures for every big Saturday night show, and Doctor Who is no exception. Interestingly, around half of the show's viewers watch on initial broadcast, the rest utilising time-shift options. "Bookcases don't tell you when to read a book", said the Moffington Post, "It's just a more convenient delivery, just a way of watching it. My kids don't know about the experience of being out shopping with their parents on a Saturday, knowing they're going to miss Doctor Who."

Children don't watch the show passively, they "...invent their own elements", which is a big part of the show's National Treasure status. David Tennant and Moff both ended up working on it after being inspired into their respective careers by the show. "It interacts with the rest of its audience", and the idea for the show's demographic is to "aim it at absolutely everyone. Why has it taken so long for TV to do what cinema does?"

A movie remains a possibility for the show, but Moff the Hoople reiterated that it can't interfere with the main show. Star Trek, for example, is now only a movie every few years, whereas Doctor Who has 14 new episodes a year. At any rate, the screening showed that a TV show can look like a movie on a smaller budget ("I'm never going to say we have enough money", spake the Moffter and Commander (sssh, I know it's getting tenuous), "But we are incredibly well looked after by the BBC"), Director Nick Hurran being cited as an example of someone's confidence improving as the show went on.

Regarding the writing process, the main advice David HasselMoff had was " write it like you own it" with swagger and confidence. A fan question referencing Neil Gaiman's involvement posited Grant Morrison as a possible writer (to a ripple of applause) of Doctor Who (on TV, as opposed to his comic strips in the eighties). The reply came that it's the hardest show that Moff-ra and Russell T Davies have ever written, so it requires a lot of TV writing experience: "No brand new TV writer should tackle it".

Robert Shearman (a possible exception to the rule) was also present. His script made the Daleks scary, and that's what Moff sought to achieve with Asylum. He admitted some culpability in "...making them cosier every time". Children now take Dalek toys to bed, with To Kill a Moffinbird (sorry) comparing them to everyday objects like buses and taxis. His aim, he admitted gleefully, was to make them "...leave the toys outside their bedroom doors". The temptation to go kitsch has to be ignored: "You have to remember they're insane tanks."

Despite his reputation as a scaremonger, Moffin the Mule admitted being terrified during The Woman in Black ("I wanted to see The Muppets"), but nigh-on-giggled when he thought of pitching Doctor Who now, with its aim of scaring the hell out of seven year olds.

An actual child asked the most difficult question (as ever), putting forward "Do Cybermen go rusty in the rain?"

"No", came the prompt reply, followed by "They're made of plastic. No, they're rain proof. Everything has to be in Wales. But there was a rusty one in The Pandorica Opens, which I Yes, eventually."

So this is now official canon. Seismic.

After failing to keep David Tennant on for his first season ("I told him my ideas and he ran"), The Eleventh Hour was something of a reboot, and posed the problem of how to prove the new incarnation's 'Doctor-ness' to the new companion, hence the introduction of young Amelia Pond. New cast, new crew. The show keeps evolving in different styles (last year's arc, this year's Movie Poster episodes) because "...even the new series is getting old". Seven series is a lot for a contemporary drama series, even without the prior twenty six getting involved.

After Richard Bacon's multi-Doctor question during yesterday's Sherlock Masterclass resulted in the response of "There won't be any Doctors in the 50th anniversary series, because of you, Bacon", the only question relating to the big 5-0 is how excited we should be on a scale of 1 - 11.

"Fifty", said the BeheMoff.

I think, based on this evidence, we should act accordingly.
bevischief 08:29 AM 08-29-2012

Doctor Who 50th anniversary: live episode planned?
News Louisa Mellor Aug 29, 2012
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Matt Smith has dropped one or two hints about what the BBC may have in store to celebrate Doctor Who’s 50th birthday…

Appreciating that this is a speculative leap based on little more than a few words from the incumbent Doctor, the old rumour that plans are afoot for a live Doctor Who episode to mark the show’s 50th anniversary next year has re-emerged.

The facts, so to speak, are these: Matt Smith chatted to Forbes about the show’s golden jubilee over the weekend, and uttered these words: “It won’t just be a televised event, I think it will be a live event. […] The way it’s transmitted on TV will hopefully be an inventive thing – something different.”

A live episode of Doctor Who then… Eastenders has done it, twice now, as has Coronation Street and a raft of US shows including ER, 30 Rock and plenty more besides, though it bears mentioning that all of those shows tend to be somewhat lighter on FX work than Who.

Any thoughts?
bevischief 08:30 AM 08-29-2012

Dinosaurs On A Spaceship synopsis arrives
News Louisa Mellor Aug 29, 2012
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The Beeb has released a synopsis for the second episode of the forthcoming Doctor Who series, and we have it right here…

This story may contains mild spoilers.

Dinosaurs On A Spaceship. It’s one of those titles that seems to say it all. There will be dinosaurs, they’ll be somewhere in the vicinity of a spaceship…

There’s more though, including Queen Nefertiti (Riann Stelle), Riddell the big game hunter (Sherlock’s Rupert Graves), a Peter Stringfellow-styled space pirate (David Bradley), his two rusty robots, and Rory’s dad (Mark Williams). We’ll let the BBC explain:

An unmanned spaceship hurtles towards certain destruction - unless the Doctor can save it, and its impossible cargo... of dinosaurs!

By his side a ragtag gang of adventurers, a big game hunter, an Egyptian Queen and a surprised member of the Pond family. But little does the Doctor know there is someone else on board who will stop at nothing to keep hold of his precious, prehistoric cargo.

Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Saul Metzstein, airs on BBC One at 7.35pm on Saturday the 8th of September.
bevischief 09:49 AM 08-29-2012
Pond life part 3.
whoman69 12:43 PM 08-29-2012
Sounds like things are getting weird. I'm hoping they don't push Dr. Who towards the horror genre.
bevischief 09:27 AM 08-30-2012

POND LIFE MINISODE #4 OF 5!! BBC Issues Promotional Art For DOCTOR WHO S7 E02, E03, E04, E05!!
bevischief 09:26 AM 08-31-2012

The Friday Docback Is Committed To The 'Asylum Of The Daleks'!! READER REACTION To DOCTOR WHO Season/Series 7 Begins With A Spoiler-Free Mini-Review From Glen, 'Pond Life,' Newslet Round-Up, And More!!

All 5 Pond Lifes and more.
KcMizzou 12:47 AM 09-02-2012
My dishwasher sounds a lot like the Tardis.

I may be watching too much Dr Who.
bevischief 12:28 PM 09-02-2012
So what about last night's episode? Also got most of dvr episodes back as well with the marathons.
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