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Nzoner's Game Room>***NON-POLITICAL COVID-19 Discussion Thread***
JakeF 10:28 PM 02-26-2020
A couple of reminders...

Originally Posted by Bwana:
Once again, don't come in this thread with some kind of political agenda, or you will be shown the door. If you want to go that route, there is a thread about this in DC.
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
People, there is a lot of good information in this thread, let's try to keep the petty bickering to a minimum.

We all have varying opinions about the impact of this, the numbers, etc. We will all never agree with each other. But we can all keep it civil.


Click here for the original OP:


Donger 05:24 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by TLO:
So a question that maybe someone can help me gain some perspective on.

I've read in multiple places that it's possible the virus has been circulating in Washington State for up to 6 weeks. If the mortality rate was that high, wouldn't there have been someone who noticed even before the first confirmed case?
Good question. I haven't seen any numbers regarding the time from infection to death. Ebola is something like nine days. It's possible that people have died from COVID-19 that have been mistakenly declared dead by "normal" influenza.
Donger 05:27 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by TLO:
And for that matter, wouldn't it be plausible that it's circulating in a lot of communities, possibly with minimal effects?

I'm very much an anxious person when it comes to my health and the health of those close to me. I'm young, and don't have a lot of medical issues - so I do worry for myself, but I worry for those around me too.

Should I be worried? Can someone just spell that out for me?
Be aware and wary, sure. But at this stage, no, I wouldn't worry. Just take the precautions you can.

I fly almost every week, every year, on petri dishes with wings including flu season. I always have and use hand sanitizer liberally. Wash my hands before I eat. Just basic stuff, and I haven't gotten the flu in 15 years with no flu shot.

This website is bookmarked and has been for many years:

As soon as I see it go up every year, I'm even more vigilant.
Mennonite 05:36 PM 03-01-2020

jdubya 05:42 PM 03-01-2020
I went to costco here in NorCal on Friday to grab some normal items and the place was getting ransacked. Felt like I was in a 3rd world shithole. I watched a forklift drop a pallet of rice and within 3-5 seconds all you could see was assholes and elbows grabbing the bags of rice. I turned around and walked back to my car. Media driven frenzy. Bye bye
lawrenceRaider 05:46 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by TLO:
So a question that maybe someone can help me gain some perspective on.

I've read in multiple places that it's possible the virus has been circulating in Washington State for up to 6 weeks. If the mortality rate was that high, wouldn't there have been someone who noticed even before the first confirmed case?

That's the thing, the vast majority don't have any problems. Based on the community spread in Washington 8, its likely many people have had it, but showed few if any symptoms.
Chiefspants 05:49 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by TLO:
And for that matter, wouldn't it be plausible that it's circulating in a lot of communities, possibly with minimal effects?

I'm very much an anxious person when it comes to my health and the health of those close to me. I'm young, and don't have a lot of medical issues - so I do worry for myself, but I worry for those around me too.

Should I be worried? Can someone just spell that out for me?
Just be smart and do simple things to minimize risk.

Make sure you’re washing your hands, and limiting your exposure to folks both for your (and their) protection. Buying extra food might feel silly, but it’s moreso so that you’re limited your exposure to the public and not traveling around people more than you have to. I think studying places hit by this already is important - basically the folks who are getting hit hardest (retirees) and being given the virus by younger healthcare workers who were fighting it off to the point that they decided to continue coming to work. These are the types of stories that make me worried for my parents and grandparents if it does come here, which is why I stocked up on the essentials this week in case I do catch it. It’s not so different than the rules I followed for the flu, where my wife and I didn’t see my gma for two weeks as we fought it off (it got my wife bad this year).

So far, medical professionals here are saying it’s milder than the media is reporting simply because so many cases aren’t reported - what they ARE saying is have a plan once you get it. So stock up, buy rice, noodles, ramen, ibuprofen, a decongestant, Gatorade, and get meat in a deep freeze if you have the capability. The worst you could do is get it and become someone who spreads it to more vulnerable populations - so just be prepared for that rainy day if it comes. I’ve spent a few weeks in parts of the world that are 6 hours away from the nearest hospital - and my prep here is similar to my prep there. In that example, there was cholera in the water - so I carried a water filter and hand sanitizer everywhere I went. I also had an epi-pen on me and a travel insurance that would provide a helicopter to a hospital if anything went wrong. Once I had those logistics (plus vaccinations) figured out - living in that part of the world was honestly transformative to me. The three times I’ve traveled abroad in that capacity have been the best experiences of my life. I look at this in a similar light - I feel as prepared as I can be now, so I’m just going to keep living life as I had been.

There’s a very, very good chance we’ll weather through this and be just fine. Conventionally, getting to the spring months are important so stuff like this dies off. So just have a plan at at worst, hole yourself up and watch some Chiefs/Super Bowl highlights for a while. :-)
Bwana 05:54 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by jdubya:
I went to costco here in NorCal on Friday to grab some normal items and the place was getting ransacked. Felt like I was in a 3rd world shithole. I watched a forklift drop a pallet of rice and within 3-5 seconds all you could see was assholes and elbows grabbing the bags of rice. I turned around and walked back to my car. Media driven frenzy. Bye bye
Yeah in some parts of the country, it's bat shit crazy out there.

Showing panic buying in several locations

Panic buying in various locations





Issaquah, WA



Cypress, CA

Brooklyn, NY


Los Angeles

Mission, TX

Tualatin, OR
Donger 05:56 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by Bwana:
Yeah in some parts of the country, it's bat shit crazy out there.

Showing panic buying in several locations

Panic buying in various locations





Issaquah, WA



Cypress, CA

Brooklyn, NY


Los Angeles

Mission, TX

Tualatin, OR
Dumb, unprepared, panicky animals.
Megatron96 05:59 PM 03-01-2020
Why are people buying water? Do they not have a tap in their houses? Is your faucet a vector for C-19?
Donger 06:01 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by Megatron96:
Why are people buying water? Do they not have a tap in their houses? Is your faucet a vector for C-19?
Utilities still require humans to supply the product.
eDave 06:05 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
Utilities still require humans to supply the product.
How's the supply of Brita's?
Megatron96 06:07 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
Utilities still require humans to supply the product.
Oh for god's sake. If the virus really has been in the U.S. for a couple months now then it's in the water already. We wouldn't have 73 cases we'd have 73,000. If you're really that scared of your tap water, boil it first.

Unless the virus can be transmitted through your electric stove? OMG, what about the gas lines?

DaneMcCloud 06:10 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by Bwana:
Yeah in some parts of the country, it's bat shit crazy out there.

Showing panic buying in several locations

Los Angeles
In all honesty, this doesn't look any different than any given weekend at Costco Burbank.

I do my best to avoid going on the weekends but when I do, there is at least a 20 minute wait for gasoline, the checkout lines are 12-15 people deep on average and it can take up to 30 minutes to find a parking spot.

I went to the Leawood Costco twice over the Christmas break, including Christmas Eve, and it *seemed* completely empty to me.
eDave 06:13 PM 03-01-2020
Yea, I'm not seeing any sort of hysteria here in Phoenix. It's warm though so, according to that orange dude, we are fine as it's spectacularly warm here. Singular case here is recovering.

Not a single facemask at the Dodger game today.
Megatron96 06:16 PM 03-01-2020
Originally Posted by eDave:
Yea, I'm not seeing any sort of hysteria here in Phoenix. It's warm though so, according to that orange dude, we are fine as it's spectacularly warm here. Singular case here is recovering.

Not a single facemask at the Dodger game today.
Good news. So tomorrow when I head over to Costco and Sam's and buy all of their Tang and Cup o' Ramen, I'll have the store to myself.
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