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Hall of Classics>Planet members and their kids serving in Iraq and Afghanistan need our support.
BigRedChief 03:30 PM 01-28-2012
Originally Posted by BigRedChief:
Parade is tommorrow.
ST. LOUIS • A downtown parade to honor Iraq war veterans stepped off at noon today at Kiener Plaza.

Thousands of people lined the parade route on Market Street, cheering, waving American flags and holding signs "Welcome Home."

Christine Willey of Webster Groves was one of those along the parade route. Her nephew served in Afghanistan and was wounded in Iraq when his Humvee was hit by an explosive.

"I think he would appreciate it a lot," she said of the parade. Her nephew, of Wentzville, who suffered brain injuries, was unable to attend the parade.
Tom Appelbaum, one of the parade organizers, said the parade "pretty much matches what I would have expected." He said he was "feeling great."
The parade follows a vigil which began Friday at 9:11 p.m. at Soldier's Memorial in downtown. Volunteers read the names of U.S. servicemen and servicewomen who have died in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales and St. Louis police and fire departments are joining 83 floats in the parade.

Mayflower, which donated $7,500 to the parade effort, is collecting items for homeless veterans in a storage container at 13th and Market streets. They are asking for sleeping bags, blankets, non-perishable food items, and winter coats.

the organizers, Appelbaum and Craig Schneider, said St. Louis is the first major city to welcome troops home from Iraq since the war officially ended on Dec. 15.

Inside Union Station until 5 p.m., organizers are offering a "resource village," where veterans can connect with service providers such as the Red Cross or Department of Veterans Affairs. Live music is planned from 3 to 8 p.m.

Marine Sgt. Alex Renner, 22,(right) from Red Bud, Ill. shakes hands with well wishers during a parade to welcome home Iraq war veterans along Market Street in St. Louis on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012. "I feel good because they have our back" said Renner about the reception he received from the crowd. Renner served one tour in Iraq from 2008-2009.

BigRedChief 03:42 PM 01-28-2012
From USA Today:

ST. LOUIS (AP)–Thousands of people have turned out in St. Louis for the nation's first big parade welcoming home Iraq War veterans.

Several hundred veterans, many dressed in camouflage, marched Saturday afternoon through downtown along with marching bands, politicians and even the Budweiser Clydesdales.

But the biggest cheers clearly were for the veterans themselves. The crowd wildly cheered as groups walked by, and some veterans wiped away tears as they acknowledged the support.

People in the crowd waved American flags and held signs reading, "Welcome Home" and "God Bless Our Troops." Fire trucks with aerial ladders hoisted three huge American flags along the route.

Two St. Louis men launched a grass-roots effort to hold the parade after noticing there'd been no large public celebrations to welcome troops home.
BigRedChief 07:12 AM 01-29-2012
:-) Well done St. Louis, Well done! :-)

ST. LOUIS• Thousands of people waved U.S. flags and shouted "thank you" Saturday during a downtown parade to welcome home Iraq war veterans.

Many spectators wore layers of jackets and huddled under blankets on the cold, sunny day as they cheered on veterans of recent U.S. wars in the first parade of its kind in a major U.S. city

"It makes me proud to be an American," said Trisha Thompson, a member of the Army Reserves who served in Iraq in 2005 and 2006, after watching the parade finish near Union Station. "Even during hard times, there's still a spirit of unity."

Thompson and her husband, James Pena, also an Iraq veteran, watched with their 6-month-old son, Schuyler, well-covered in his stroller with blankets and a camouflage fleece hat. They both choked back tears as they explained how it felt to see so many people gathered in their honor.
"People have come to realize that you can definitely support the troops even if you don't support the war," Thompson said.

Army Lt. Col. Mike Fayette, who participated in the parade, approached co-organizer Craig Schneider afterward to thank him.

"When prosperous families, individuals and businesses step up to honor us, it makes what I do feel more relevant," said Fayette, who will retire next month after 30 years of service.

Fayette, who recently moved to Columbia, Mo., was injured by an improvised explosive device in Iraq in 2005. He remained there until 2006, when he returned to work at the Pentagon.

"I was overwhelmed by the genuineness of their support," he said of the crowd.

"This (parade) showed that things get accomplished when you have a sense of urgency," said Tom Appelbaum, a lawyer from Creve Coeur and one of the parade organizers. "Now we're gonna take this on the road."
He and Schneider, a technology coordinator for the St. Charles School District, dreamed up the parade over dinner in December. They started a Facebook group, which quickly grew to more than 5,000 members, and used social media and word-of-mouth to drum up support for the plan.
Now they hope to start a fundraising campaign called the "Welcome Home the Heroes Challenge." They want to raise $7 million by next Sunday, the day of the Super Bowl.

Their motto for the parade and the fundraising effort was displayed on the T-shirts they wore on Saturday: "Don't tell us it's impossible."
The money will be split between The Mission Continues, a St. Louis-based nonprofit group that connects veterans with volunteer opportunities and helped coordinate the parade, and the Welcome Home Foundation, a group Appelbaum and Schneider created to distribute funds to veterans organizations.

Not all of the families in the parade were welcoming loved ones home. Susan and Jim Jacobs of Ballwin marched with about 10 Gold Star families, who have lost relatives in the line of duty.\
Their son, Sgt. Zachary Fisher, was killed July 14, 2010, when an improvised explosive device detonated next to his convoy in the Zabul province in Afghanistan.

He had previously served nine months in Iraq.
"Zachary would have been very proud to see his community come out and support the troops," his mother said, tears in her eyes.

Susan Jacobs held tight to a picture of her son, who was 24 when he died. She said it was "bittersweet" to be at an event welcoming home other people's children when her son will never be among them. But she said Zachary would have wanted her and her husband to be there.
"Some of these young men and women get to come home, and some of them don't," she said. "Our community needs to know both sides."
Thompson and Pena, the young Iraq veterans, disagree over whether they want their 6-month-old son to serve in the military.

Pena said he doesn't want to worry about whether his son will come home. But Thompson said Schuyler should serve if he wants. Military service gave her a pride that she wouldn't feel otherwise, she said.
"The most proud I feel is when people come up to me when I'm in my uniform." Thompson said.

Just then, a young girl in a pink coat walked over and handed her a homemade sign. It read: "Welcome Home Soldiers, love Payton Marie."
"Thank you," Thompson said, her voice wavering.

Read more:

crazycoffey 08:21 AM 01-29-2012
Originally Posted by BigRedChief:
:-) Well done St. Louis, Well done! :-)

ST. LOUIS• Thousands of people waved U.S. flags and shouted "thank you" Saturday during a downtown parade to welcome home Iraq war veterans.

Many spectators wore layers of jackets and huddled under blankets on the cold, sunny day as they cheered on veterans of recent U.S. wars in the first parade of its kind in a major U.S. city
I just heard this part was a topic in discussion, something about it being the first of it's kind since WWII. I don't know if that is correct or not. Cool either way, and if I was off work this weekend I would have loved to go.
BigRedChief 08:35 AM 01-29-2012
Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey:
I just heard this part was a topic in discussion, something about it being the first of it's kind since WWII. I don't know if that is correct or not. Cool either way, and if I was off work this weekend I would have loved to go.
Thats what I heard too. The first parade honoring vets that wasn't organized by a city/state/government but by John Doe Q public just to say thanks to the troops since WWII. No politics. Just a fellow citzen showing appreciation for their sacrifice. Thats some strong mojo. Really us at our best. :-)
crazycoffey 08:56 AM 01-29-2012
Originally Posted by BigRedChief:
Thats what I heard too. The first parade honoring vets that wasn't organized by a city/state/government but by John Doe Q public just to say thanks to the troops since WWII. No politics. Just a fellow citzen showing appreciation for their sacrifice. Thats some strong mojo. Really us at our best. :-)
You still in St. Louis, or come back regularly? I want to buy you a beer.
BigRedChief 09:08 AM 01-29-2012
Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey:
You still in St. Louis, or come back regularly? I want to buy you a beer.
I've been in Florida for about 20 months now. I came back to St. Louis last year to watch a game last year. Probably not this year. Going to go on a couple of trips to watch Cardinals spring traning games. They are here in St. Pete abotu 5 mintues from my house for a series this year. Also thinking about going to Miami to watch some games and have some fun on South Beach.
BigRedChief 12:50 AM 02-04-2012
Originally Posted by CrazyCoffey:
I just heard this part was a topic in discussion, something about it being the first of it's kind since WWII. I don't know if that is correct or not. Cool either way, and if I was off work this weekend I would have loved to go.

If the Giants or Pats get a parade, shouldn't Iraq vets? Posted by Paul Rieckhoff on February 3

The ticker-tape parade is a slice of Americana as old as the Statue of Liberty. It’s an honor reserved for a select few (sort of), from astronauts returning from space to military heroes to beloved politicians like Teddy Roosevelt. It’s also happened for baseball player Sammy Sosa, and even the President of Indonesia. This weekend, either the New England Patriots or New York Giants will earn the title “champion” at the Super Bowl, and be treated to a victory parade in Boston or New York City as a result.

Getting Super Bowl-champ football players a parade in their hometowns is never an issue. But Iraq War veterans? They deserve a little praise, too. They answered our country’s call, and in the least, they survived. But for some reason, they’re running into all kinds of resistance. Last week, New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg said that a parade “would be premature while so many troops are still in harm’s way around the world.”

After eight years of war there that saw over 4,400 American troops killed and over 32,000 wounded-in-action physically, the Iraq War finally ended on December 31, 2011. Yet, only St. Louis has held a “Welcome Home Our Heroes”parade to date--and solely because two guys launched a Facebook page and motivated a grassroots group of citizens. In less than a week it morphed into an incredibly inspiring event. And it definitely lit a spark. Ever since then, we’ve been inundated with notes and emails from folks from San Francisco to Portland, Maine who want to do the same thing for the Iraq veterans in their communities.

That’s why today IAVA is calling on the President, New York Mayor Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Menino, and Mayors and government officials nationwide to coordinate a National Day of Action to not only welcome home Iraq veterans but to channel critical jobs, education and transition resources to them and their families. It’s a chance for all of us to work together—just like we do on Veterans Day. Let’s tap into the tremendous Sea of Goodwill that exists in the hearts of millions of Americans. Let’s use some of our military experience to “coordinate fires.” And instead of cities nationwide promoting events at different times over the next few years, let’s all work together to coordinate a single, historic, transformative day to unite communities nationwide. If you stand with us, and want to see a welcome home parade in your area, stand with our veterans and sign our petition here.

For the Mayors of New York and Boston: are you really okay with your football teams getting ticker tape parades and not your new veterans? I am as big a fan as they come, but why do the Giants get a parade in the Canyon of Heroes and not our nation’s military? If that does happen, what does that say about us as a society and our priorities?

Yes, Iraq and Afghanistan are two different wars. Americans know the Afghanistan front still rages on, with the end of combat operations not expected until 2013. But that doesn’t mean our country can’t start welcoming home those who have already returned and pave the way for those still to come. It will also show our troops in Afghanistan now that they won’t be forgotten when that war ends too. And the expense should not be an issue. Just like in St Louis, sponsors should step up, and local people can chip in to donate goods, time and money.

If we can afford two wars, we can afford two welcome home parades.

But this effort is about more than just a parade. It is what parades represent – a celebration, a commemoration, and an expression of gratitude by a community that has finally learned to separate the war from warriors. It is about creating a day to remember those we’ve lost, respect those who have served, and respond to their needs as returning veterans. After a decade at war, with the burden of so many carried by so few, who deserves a parade more than the brave men and women who have deployed two, three, four times since 9/11?

The New Greatest Generation has proven time and time again that they are dedicated to service. Now, it’s on us to return the favor.

Even if you don’t have skin in this Super Bowl game, sign IAVA’s petition to the President and Mayors nationwide before kickoff this Sunday 6:30pm EST calling for a national day to honor and celebrate the service of some real heroes – the over 1 million veterans who have served our country in Iraq.

No matter who you root for this Super Bowl Sunday, our veterans are one team every American can and must get behind.

Sign the petition here:

Sent from my iPhone
BigRedChief 09:19 AM 02-04-2012
Originally Posted by BigRedChief:

If the Giants or Pats get a parade, shouldn't Iraq vets? Posted by Paul Rieckhoff on February 3

The ticker-tape parade is a slice of Americana as old as the Statue of Liberty. It’s an honor reserved for a select few (sort of), from astronauts returning from space to military heroes to beloved politicians like Teddy Roosevelt. It’s also happened for baseball player Sammy Sosa, and even the President of Indonesia. This weekend, either the New England Patriots or New York Giants will earn the title “champion” at the Super Bowl, and be treated to a victory parade in Boston or New York City as a result.

Getting Super Bowl-champ football players a parade in their hometowns is never an issue. But Iraq War veterans? They deserve a little praise, too. They answered our country’s call, and in the least, they survived. But for some reason, they’re running into all kinds of resistance. Last week, New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg said that a parade “would be premature while so many troops are still in harm’s way around the world.”

After eight years of war there that saw over 4,400 American troops killed and over 32,000 wounded-in-action physically, the Iraq War finally ended on December 31, 2011. Yet, only St. Louis has held a “Welcome Home Our Heroes”parade to date--and solely because two guys launched a Facebook page and motivated a grassroots group of citizens. In less than a week it morphed into an incredibly inspiring event. And it definitely lit a spark. Ever since then, we’ve been inundated with notes and emails from folks from San Francisco to Portland, Maine who want to do the same thing for the Iraq veterans in their communities.

That’s why today IAVA is calling on the President, New York Mayor Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Menino, and Mayors and government officials nationwide to coordinate a National Day of Action to not only welcome home Iraq veterans but to channel critical jobs, education and transition resources to them and their families. It’s a chance for all of us to work together—just like we do on Veterans Day. Let’s tap into the tremendous Sea of Goodwill that exists in the hearts of millions of Americans. Let’s use some of our military experience to “coordinate fires.” And instead of cities nationwide promoting events at different times over the next few years, let’s all work together to coordinate a single, historic, transformative day to unite communities nationwide. If you stand with us, and want to see a welcome home parade in your area, stand with our veterans and sign our petition here.

For the Mayors of New York and Boston: are you really okay with your football teams getting ticker tape parades and not your new veterans? I am as big a fan as they come, but why do the Giants get a parade in the Canyon of Heroes and not our nation’s military? If that does happen, what does that say about us as a society and our priorities?

Yes, Iraq and Afghanistan are two different wars. Americans know the Afghanistan front still rages on, with the end of combat operations not expected until 2013. But that doesn’t mean our country can’t start welcoming home those who have already returned and pave the way for those still to come. It will also show our troops in Afghanistan now that they won’t be forgotten when that war ends too. And the expense should not be an issue. Just like in St Louis, sponsors should step up, and local people can chip in to donate goods, time and money.

If we can afford two wars, we can afford two welcome home parades.

But this effort is about more than just a parade. It is what parades represent – a celebration, a commemoration, and an expression of gratitude by a community that has finally learned to separate the war from warriors. It is about creating a day to remember those we’ve lost, respect those who have served, and respond to their needs as returning veterans. After a decade at war, with the burden of so many carried by so few, who deserves a parade more than the brave men and women who have deployed two, three, four times since 9/11?

The New Greatest Generation has proven time and time again that they are dedicated to service. Now, it’s on us to return the favor.

Even if you don’t have skin in this Super Bowl game, sign IAVA’s petition to the President and Mayors nationwide before kickoff this Sunday 6:30pm EST calling for a national day to honor and celebrate the service of some real heroes – the over 1 million veterans who have served our country in Iraq.

No matter who you root for this Super Bowl Sunday, our veterans are one team every American can and must get behind.

Sign the petition here:

Sent from my iPhone
More citizens not waiting for their public entities to organize a parade for the vets. Grassroots parades forming all over th USA based on the St. Louis model.
BigRedChief 04:15 PM 03-31-2012
Originally Posted by StanziShouldStart:
I just heard this part was a topic in discussion, something about it being the first of it's kind since WWII. I don't know if that is correct or not. Cool either way, and if I was off work this weekend I would have loved to go.
Another grass roots parade honoring the Iraq/Afghanstan vets took place today in Tucson, Arizona. :-)

With your help we hope to have a great show of patriotism and love of our country by having a complete sea of flags waving at our Veterans during the parade. Please bring your flags and proudly recognize these brave men and women.

Also, this parade will be a wonderful opportunity to extend your own personal message to these warriors. By creating a colorful poster, sign, banner, etc. with what you want to tell the Veterans is something you and they will never forget.

The parade is for you, courtesy of the Tucson Community and beyond. It is this city’s opportunity to finally show their appreciation for your service and respect for you. We need to have a massive showing of all Veterans in order to make this parade successful. Also, recognizing the stress and courage shown by the loved ones you left behind, we are inviting your immediate family to proudly march with you in the parade. We cannot proceed with your participation until you send in your completed
Ugly Duck 04:39 PM 03-31-2012
Home is the sailor
Home from the sea
And home is the hunter
Home from the hill

My son-in-law is back from the Stan. Hats off to all who serve. And hear this Ode to Bin Laden..... "Asshole in the Sand" starts at minute 2:00

Easy 6 04:59 PM 03-31-2012
Much continuing gratitude & many kudos to all of our active duty servicemen/women.

Cant wait until 2013 when we can finally just let those damned neandrathals rape & shoot themselves into oblivion... our guys, gals & money are simply too good to waste on dead-end people like that.
BigRedChief 07:34 PM 02-01-2012
A thank you card for the planet from the troops over in the sandbox.

mlyonsd 07:44 PM 02-01-2012
Originally Posted by BigRedChief:
A thank you card for the planet from the troops over in the sandbox.

Awesome BRC. Are you still doing this? Do you need more cash? And I don't mean for your Lincoln payments.
BigRedChief 07:58 PM 02-01-2012
Originally Posted by mlyonsd:
Awesome BRC. Are you still doing this? Do you need more cash? And I don't mean for your Lincoln payments.
yeah I've used up all the money in our account with the last shipments. Had to chip in $30 myself plus all the shipping costs.

I was going to ask for more money to refund the packages and see if people are still interested in contributing. As you can see it is greatly appreciated by the troops.
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