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Nzoner's Game Room>***NON-POLITICAL COVID-19 Discussion Thread***
JakeF 10:28 PM 02-26-2020
A couple of reminders...

Originally Posted by Bwana:
Once again, don't come in this thread with some kind of political agenda, or you will be shown the door. If you want to go that route, there is a thread about this in DC.
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
People, there is a lot of good information in this thread, let's try to keep the petty bickering to a minimum.

We all have varying opinions about the impact of this, the numbers, etc. We will all never agree with each other. But we can all keep it civil.


Click here for the original OP:


Mecca 08:59 AM 06-26-2020
It's a mix, the states that have protesting with basically no or few restrictions are being hit far worse though.
BleedingRed 09:00 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
That isn't what I asked you. I'll try again:

Do you disagree with this?

Yes, of course it's both. The virus doesn't care about "causes." It just wants a host.

I wasn't asking you about masks.
Yes and no,

Because lets be generous and say "Bar Hoping" contributed 10% of new cases and 90% came from protests.........

Clearly both options are "bad", one has a higher scaling factor. Which in turn leads to more metric tons of "bad" than the other.
DaFace 09:00 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
Are all the places/cities which had large protests/riots seeing outbreaks like in Texas, Florida, Arizona and California?

Minneapolis, for example?
I continue to be surprised that Denver (and Colorado) continue to show steady declines. Not just because of the protests, but because I feel like people are getting quite a bit more lax with their social distancing efforts.

Even so, people on here talk about mask wearing being like 10-20% in their areas, and it's probably more like 70-80% (in retail stores) here.
Bearcat 09:00 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by lewdog:
It’s both. It was terrible that hundreds to thousands of people gathered to protest here for 3 weeks, shortly after the state reopened. Combine the protests with people going out and you’ve got 4+ weeks of bad decisions leading AZ to this very spot with no further beds available.
Wait, are you trying to say there could be multiple causes? Now I'm confused.

And for Arizona, the timing was just before Memorial Day, too.
Bearcat 09:02 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
Of course it's both. But they won't acknowledge that because agenda.
Not sure why... it's a strange thing to try to be "right" about, when no one will probably ever know for sure. :-)
Donger 09:03 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by BleedingRed:
Yes and no,

Because lets be generous and say "Bar Hoping" contributed 10% of new cases and 90% came from protests.........

Clearly both options are "bad", one has a higher scaling factor. Which in turn leads to more metric tons of "bad" than the other.
Please present your data/evidence that 90% of these spikes has been caused by the protests.
BleedingRed 09:03 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Bearcat:
Not sure why... it's a strange thing to try to be "right" about, when no one will probably ever know for sure. :-)
Because it is 1000% retarded to try to equate 10-50 of people getting together in a bar to 100,000+ of people getting together to protest.....
Donger 09:04 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by DaFace:
I continue to be surprised that Denver (and Colorado) continue to show steady declines. Not just because of the protests, but because I feel like people are getting quite a bit more lax with their social distancing efforts.

Even so, people on here talk about mask wearing being like 10-20% in their areas, and it's probably more like 70-80% (in retail stores) here.
Pot smoke? Altitude?

Mecca 09:04 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by BleedingRed:
Because it is 1000% retarded to try to equate 10's of people getting together in a bar to 10,000s of people getting together to protest.....
The issue is in the cities that are lax where both can be done. Then it's easier for people from those crowds to give it to everyone else.
Donger 09:05 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by BleedingRed:
Because it is 1000% retarded to try to equate 10-50 of people getting together in a bar to 100,000+ of people getting together to protest.....
Do these cities only have one bar/club/restaurant?

BleedingRed 09:05 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
Pot smoke? Altitude?

Would be my guess, fucking Donkeys have all the advantages and still suck
Donger 09:05 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Bearcat:
Not sure why... it's a strange thing to try to be "right" about, when no one will probably ever know for sure. :-)
I know why.
BleedingRed 09:06 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
Do these cities only have one bar/club/restaurant?

What a complete miss. Are you really ****ing this dense........

Just mathematically you couldn't fit everyone that showed up to the protests in all the city bars. (fire code bitch)

Donger 09:07 AM 06-26-2020
Just one example:

As the U.S. begins to open back up, coronavirus clusters — where multiple people contract COVID-19 at the same event or location — are popping up all over the country. And despite drawing massive crowds, protests against police violence and racial injustice in Washington state weren't among those clusters.

"We did have a rally in Bellingham, which is our county seat, and there was also a protest, and we have not been able to connect a single case to that rally or to the protest, and what we're finding is in large part that's due to the use of masks," Erika Lautenbach, the director of the Whatcom County Health Department in Washington State, tells NPR's All Things Considered. "Almost everyone at the rally was wearing a mask, and it's really a testament to how effective masks are in preventing the spread of this disease."

For the clusters that have popped up, Lautenbach says the state has been using contact tracing to learn more about how they're contributing to the spread of the virus. For instance, it found that 14 cases were associated with a party of 100 to 150 people in early June. Subsequently, 15 more cases were associated with the original 14.

"So that one event spread to 29 people and 31 related employers," Lautenbach says. "Our challenge is to continue to trace as it moves through families, as it moves through workplaces and as it moves through social events as well."

But protests just aren't spreading the disease in the same way, Lautenbach says.

"We're finding that the social events and gatherings, these parties where people aren't wearing masks, are our primary source of infection," Lautenbach says. "And then the secondary source of infection is workplace settings. There were 31 related employers just associated with that one party because of the number of people that brought that to their workplace. So for us, for a community our size, that's a pretty massive spread."
Donger 09:07 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by BleedingRed:
What a complete miss. Are you really ****ing this dense........

Just mathematically you couldn't fit everyone that showed up to the protests in all the city bars. (fire code bitch)

Please present your data/evidence that 90% of these spikes has been caused by the protests.
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