Think its about time we separate the consoles. I would like to officially start a log of who owns a PS4 for future gaming groups.
Username ...............| CP name
lllGurulll ..................| Guru
SuddenlyToast ........| SuperChief
CONeal81 ...............| Wyatt Earp
theXfactor82 ..........| CanadianChief
Jerm_C ..................| Jerm
Aturnis ..................| Aturnis
Betelgeuse-123 .......| mother****erjones
hnosaj2 .................| jiveturkey
bgguitarman ...........|bgguitarman
shoxfan .................|Mr. Arrowhead
hboosboy ...............|Ted Theodore Logan
rogersmattr ............| Superturtle
valbrandon..............| BigBeauford
OnlyInDreams23 .....| Goshox
Hntrsdad..................l Gonzo
crazycoffey ..............| crazycoffey
kcrockaholic4life .......| kcrockaholic
Demonpenz .............| Demonpenz
Tytunn ....................| DC.chief
Smelcolm_Black .......| Chest Rockwell
djjasonp ..................| DJJasonp
pestilenceaf23 ..........| Dicky McElephant
TinyEvel ..................| TinyEvel
RAIZx762 ................| bigjosh006
TheGentleman69 .....| Clyde Frog
LuckyDogRocker ......| BigChiefFan
Originally Posted by CanadianChief:
My buddy bought Killzone, BF4, and COD Ghosts. I'm borrowing BF4 right now but haven't started it yet. Still trying to finigh GTA5 on the PS3.
He is playing Killzone right now. Something you need to know?
Oh, nothing. Just curious who has it in case I get the urge to start playing online. Would want to team up with people that will actually use a headset.