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Nzoner's Game Room>***NON-POLITICAL COVID-19 Discussion Thread***
JakeF 10:28 PM 02-26-2020
A couple of reminders...

Originally Posted by Bwana:
Once again, don't come in this thread with some kind of political agenda, or you will be shown the door. If you want to go that route, there is a thread about this in DC.
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
People, there is a lot of good information in this thread, let's try to keep the petty bickering to a minimum.

We all have varying opinions about the impact of this, the numbers, etc. We will all never agree with each other. But we can all keep it civil.


Click here for the original OP:


Mecca 01:24 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
And there you go. The masks people wear have gaps and your eyes and ears are still exposed. As in the article I posted plus others and you most likely already know, the virus will find the path of least resistance. All the mask does is buy you an additional though minimal amount of time you can be close and talking with someone. That's about it. It doesn't prevent the virus from getting in the air. It doesn't protect your eyes or ears either.

To me it just seems that while it does provide an minimal amount of protection it is largely a psychological security.

I have a tendency to get very sore ears when I get sick, especially when I get a cold. I had doctors tell me throughout my life that my ears are the culprit and to make sure I don't over-clean then in the cold\flu season.

Point is, your mouth and nose are not the only ways to get the virus. And even with these masks people are wearing they are still not protecting your mouth and nose like you think. I have read article after article and heard doctor after doctor state just that as well.
Very sore you are using the wrong hole.
OnTheWarpath15 01:24 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by Pants:
I think it started with news channels vying for advertising money and becoming massive echo chambers for their sides.

Social media is very easily manipulated by bad actors on the nation state level and it just poured a sea of gasoline on the fire.

Now we have this polarized stupidity with silly folks on both sides unable to have any independent thought. Our natural tribal tendencies do not help either.

It takes you out of your comfort zone to consider both sides of the coin and find good and bad aspects in each one.
No shit there. We're arguably the dumbest developed nation in the world.
petegz28 01:24 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by SAUTO:
as long as there is a chance its saving a life.
So then you will wear a mask until you die? Your choice, obviously. Let me ask you this though, before this, how often did you wear a mask so say an elderly person at the store wouldn't catch your cold or flu?
Mecca 01:25 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15:
No shit there. We're arguably the dumbest developed nation in the world.
Pretty much.
Pants 01:25 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
I think it's like anything else in life. It's a gray area. If you have symptoms wear a mask. I have seen and heard enough that if you are in close proximity with someone for any length of time the mask is not doing anyone any good. And that was clearly stated in the article I posted that no one read. The mask buys you a bit of extra time but in Da Face's idiotic hypo, the mask isn't going to protect you from spreading it.

See people keep saying "the mask is to protect others from you". Okay well that means then what, we are going to perpetually wear masks now because we might have something? When does that end?

People want to say it's selfish not to wear a mask and those same people were out walking around with the cold and flu symptoms before all this and not giving a flying fuck. So I said do you plan on always wearing a mask from this day forward? Or when do you decide that if you don't have symptoms you aren't going to wear a mask?

Me personally? I have been shut in for 2 months. Never had any symptoms. Maybe I was asymptomatic? Am I perpetually asymptomatic? Am I to wear a mask now every time I go outside for a walk because I might walk by someone who might have it even though the odds of me getting it from that are damn near 0?

Sorry if I think that a certain amount of rationality has been thrown out the window with a lot of this.
Well, would it be safe to assume that "gray area" is the same as saying there's a "CHANCE" wearing a mask can help then? If that's the case and you agree with that, I think it's self-evident the choice to not wear a mask is potentially harmful and very selfish.

You're not perpetually asymptomatic. That's not how the virus works. There's a chance you may have it and not know for a while. That being the case, you just wear a mask to be on the safe side. It's that simple, pete.
Donger 01:26 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
It doesn't prevent the virus from getting in the air.
Doesn't provide 100% prevention? Or any?
petegz28 01:26 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by sedated:
This is a lot of mental gymnastics just to avoid doing something that is not that big of a deal and has a distinct possibility of preventing spread of a disease.
So if this virus went away are you going to continue wearing a mask so you don't spread the flu or a cold?
Rain Man 01:27 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by dirk digler:
I pre-ordered some Chiefs masks the other day from Fanatics so I can look even cooler

I would wear that bottom left one long after the covid is gone, and nobody would question it because it's so cool.
jdubya 01:27 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by Donger:
I wonder how many anti-maskers also don't wear seat belts.
Only on the toilet after a rough chili/beer night
Lzen 01:27 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by DaFace:
Gotcha. The libertarian angle I get. Certainly the "we're all in this together" mentality is antithetical to that.

For the record, I don't personally blame anyone for not necessarily trusting every bit of advice out there. We still know very, very little about this damn disease, and I'm confident that we'll look back years from now and laugh at some of the stupid things we believed. All any of us can do is go on the most reliable information we have at any given point, and it may change. I even get why that erodes trust. It sucks, but it is what it is.
It is possible to feel a little nervous that the govt is encroaching on our rights but at the same time feel that some of this has been necessary, at least at first. I have seen some people criticizing our KS governor. I don't always agree with the way she has handled things during this but, I think she's doing the best she can.

But I hope you're right in that someday we'll look back and laugh and wonder why we reacted to things the way we did.
Monticore 01:28 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
And there you go. The masks people wear have gaps and your eyes and ears are still exposed. As in the article I posted plus others and you most likely already know, the virus will find the path of least resistance. All the mask does is buy you an additional though minimal amount of time you can be close and talking with someone. That's about it. It doesn't prevent the virus from getting in the air. It doesn't protect your eyes or ears either.

To me it just seems that while it does provide an minimal amount of protection it is largely a psychological security.

I have a tendency to get very sore ears when I get sick, especially when I get a cold. I had doctors tell me throughout my life that my ears are the culprit and to make sure I don't over-clean then in the cold\flu season.

Point is, your mouth and nose are not the only ways to get the virus. And even with these masks people are wearing they are still not protecting your mouth and nose like you think. I have read article after article and heard doctor after doctor state just that as well.
I also wear sunglasses when I use a mask, you keep forgetting the main purpose for the mask is to protect others .
dirk digler 01:28 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
We have to wear them in the building when walking down halls or working with others but not in our office. And I bet it would surprise you as to why and I can tell you now, it's not for fear of getting sick.
My employer is making us wear them all the time when we go back into the office. That shit might go through the HVAC system so I am definitely wearing mine if I go back into my office.

Also I only wear mine now when I know I am going to be around alot of people (ie Walmart, restaurants). I don't wear it when I am walking the dog.
Mecca 01:28 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by Rain Man:
I would wear that bottom left one long after the covid is gone, and nobody would question it because it's so cool.
They might think you stole your wife's pads for your face though...
OnTheWarpath15 01:28 PM 05-21-2020
32k posts in, and some are still comparing this to the fucking flu.
Donger 01:29 PM 05-21-2020
Originally Posted by petegz28:
So if this virus went away are you going to continue wearing a mask so you don't spread the flu or a cold?
Oh goody. We're back to this...
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