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Media Center>Game of Thrones Seasons 7-8
keg in kc 02:23 PM 05-24-2017
About to hit the 5000 post mark on the old thread, the first season 7 trailer today seems like the right time to start the final Game of Thones thread.

I'm going back to the original rules pre-2015. I don't think we need supervision or bannings. Just don't be a dick. Post anything you find online that hasn't aired yet inside of spoiler tags. That's pretty much it. I think we can all handle that...

For future us, 2015 thread is here: Link
Sorter 08:25 PM 07-24-2017
Originally Posted by keg in kc:
For me everything related to Dorne has been horrible the entire series, but at this point we're really just getting crazy expensive Ice and Fire fan fiction every week. Going at least as far back as season 5. And I'm fine with that, so long as there isn't too much fan service like 'oh you mis-translated that, it's actually the Prince or Princess who was promised.'

I can't wait to read the new books. If we ever get to. I don't think they'll resemble the tv series much at all aside from some obvious overall story arc stuff.

I can only hope that they continue to build Euron as a villain for the final season.
mr. tegu 08:32 PM 07-24-2017
Originally Posted by Sorter:

I can only hope that they continue to build Euron as a villain for the final season.
Am I the only one thinking the final season will be mostly white walker stuff with some squabbles here and there about how the houses should handle them? I feel like the throne will be settled this season.
chiefzilla1501 08:44 PM 07-24-2017
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
That whole thing with Varys and Dany was very jarring and immediately took me out of the episode. Not well timed at all. I feel like they are trying way too hard to all of the sudden create discord among Dany's group just for the sake of making it a little more dramatic.
I didn't think so. I thought the episode wrapped up a furious amount of loose ends in one tiny episode. Lots of characters are meeting for the first time. Funny to think Arya just found out Jon is king of the north.
Sorter 08:49 PM 07-24-2017
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
Am I the only one thinking the final season will be mostly white walker stuff with some squabbles here and there about how the houses should handle them? I feel like the throne will be settled this season.
I think the show will end in a similar manner.
RustShack 10:21 PM 07-24-2017
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
Am I the only one thinking the final season will be mostly white walker stuff with some squabbles here and there about how the houses should handle them? I feel like the throne will be settled this season.
I think the throne will be irrelevant once everyone else realizes what's actually happening. Cersei will be killed and the attention will be turned north before anyone is crowned.
Chiefspants 10:42 PM 07-24-2017
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Gerold Dayne could've been a very interesting show character but they skipped him outright.

There were some fairly cool Dornish moments in the books but ultimately nothing that's actually necessary. Frankly, to this point, they could've been skipped altogether and nobody would've noticed. Everything they've tried has failed and I can't see how they've influenced any outcomes at all.
You can thank Bryan Cogman for that.

D&D were going to bypass Dorne but after everyone loved Oberyn, Cogman convinced them to pursue the Dorne storyline for S5 and "give Jamie something to do."
GloucesterChief 10:54 PM 07-24-2017
Which pretty much stunted Jamie's character growth as he was supposed to be going around the riverlands with Ilyn Payne trying to get the Freys from being overrun by the Blackfish. Along the way he realizes how much he really doesn't like his family.

Compare to the show where he has just returned to being Cersi's lap dog.
rico 03:26 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
That whole thing with Varys and Dany was very jarring and immediately took me out of the episode. Not well timed at all. I feel like they are trying way too hard to all of the sudden create discord among Dany's group just for the sake of making it a little more dramatic.
I dunno, man...that part brought me in, if anything. I can't remember seeing Varys on the ropes like that and although I don't dislike Varys, I thought it was interesting to see.
Radar Chief 07:21 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
That whole thing with Varys and Dany was very jarring and immediately took me out of the episode. Not well timed at all. I feel like they are trying way too hard to all of the sudden create discord among Dany's group just for the sake of making it a little more dramatic.
They sailed across the Narrow Sea, on the same boat even, and didn't get that worked out until just then? Yea.
BigRichard 07:59 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
That whole thing with Varys and Dany was very jarring and immediately took me out of the episode. Not well timed at all. I feel like they are trying way too hard to all of the sudden create discord among Dany's group just for the sake of making it a little more dramatic.
I was thinking the same thing. I just thought the entire scene was odd.
lcarus 09:49 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by Radar Chief:
They sailed across the Narrow Sea, on the same boat even, and didn't get that worked out until just then? Yea.
She was just waiting for us, the viewers, to be there for it. :-)
DJ's left nut 10:03 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by Radar Chief:
They sailed across the Narrow Sea, on the same boat even, and didn't get that worked out until just then? Yea.
Almost as bad as Arya pretending to be Walder for at least a few days (long enough to set a banquet and get his family in town in an era where that shit took weeks) and somehow not knowing that Jon Snow was running the show in Winterfell and the Bolton's had been wiped out.

Or almost as bad as Jon Snow telling Sansa that she'd be in charge in front of his entire 'kingdom' without so much as giving her a head's up. Or Ellaria and Tyrion getting over the whole "you murdered my niece" thing through a single line of dialogue.

The storytelling this season has been pretty bad, to be honest. The dialogue has been solid in parts but the story itself has had so many moments that require you turn your brain off in a mere two episodes that it's become frustrating.

Without the source material to pin themselves to, D&D have shown themselves to be fairly mediocre storytellers, IMO.
mr. tegu 10:35 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Without the source material to pin themselves to, D&D have shown themselves to be fairly mediocre storytellers, IMO.
Things GRRM is doing instead of writing. These are great.

Chiefspants 10:39 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Almost as bad as Arya pretending to be Walder for at least a few days (long enough to set a banquet and get his family in town in an era where that shit took weeks) and somehow not knowing that Jon Snow was running the show in Winterfell and the Bolton's had been wiped out.

Or almost as bad as Jon Snow telling Sansa that she'd be in charge in front of his entire 'kingdom' without so much as giving her a head's up. Or Ellaria and Tyrion getting over the whole "you murdered my niece" thing through a single line of dialogue.

The storytelling this season has been pretty bad, to be honest. The dialogue has been solid in parts but the story itself has had so many moments that require you turn your brain off in a mere two episodes that it's become frustrating.

Without the source material to pin themselves to, D&D have shown themselves to be fairly mediocre storytellers, IMO.
Yaaaaaarp. We're full speed ahead toward the end goal now, and the storylines have been streamlined toward that end.

Whatever, if they can do the ending justice, I'm okay with overlooking issues such as how experienced seafarers somehow missed an entire ****ing armada approaching them for combat.

As of now, I'm assuming most of these issues are due to the fact that this season consolidated down from its traditional 10 episode format to 7 episodes. It's all good, I get it, and perhaps one day I can read the more detailed version once Brandon Sanderson writes it, but for now, just do the ending justice and I'll be happy, D&D.
Frazod 10:56 AM 07-25-2017
Originally Posted by DJ's left nut:
Almost as bad as Arya pretending to be Walder for at least a few days (long enough to set a banquet and get his family in town in an era where that shit took weeks) and somehow not knowing that Jon Snow was running the show in Winterfell and the Bolton's had been wiped out.
This one is particularly jarring. I realize that the actual passage of time gets lost occasionally, but seriously, news from the north should reach the Twins before it reaches Hot Pie.

I had just assumed that Arya had become so dark and hardcore and was so fixated on whacking Cersei that she deliberately chose that over returning to Winterfell and reuniting with the family.
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