We don't really have one of these yet, so figured we could use this as a place to discuss potential free agent acquisitions and what we would like to look for them to bring in.
If any of you guys are interested, heres a good place to do some research.
Even you can admit Berry looked pitiful against the Patriots. Right?
Could he recover? Possibly. But last year don’t tell me he was worth having around on the field. He was a broke dick who got schooled by another brokedick.
We have a 2018 Chiefs term for that. “Ron Parker.” Berry was Ron Parker out there. [Reply]
Even you can admit Berry looked pitiful against the Patriots. Right?
Could he recover? Possibly. But last year don’t tell me he was worth having around on the field. He was a broke dick who got schooled by another brokedick.
We have a 2018 Chiefs term for that. “Ron Parker.” Berry was Ron Parker out there.
He had virtually NO PRE-SEASON TRAINING and hadn't played in any game of football, regular season or warm up, FOR OVER 17 MONTHS. And you're seriously telling me that you expected him to be at his best? Get real man :-) [Reply]
I never wanted Thomas for crazy money. Or any safety for that matter.
He or Collins at $9-11M per year would be easier to swallow. But Collins is much younger with a cleaner bill of health overall. Different roles though. [Reply]