Say you've been with a girl for awhile, and your about to move in together. She goes to the bars with a few friends once every week or two and doesn't like you to come with. Her friend meets a guy and they start hanging out with his friends, and after a few weeks your girlfriend is going to a movie alone with one of the friends but she says its "just as friends". What would you do or think? [Reply]
Waterloo, locally, is called "Little Chicago". When I lived in Tampa you couldn't walk down the street past 9pm with your hat the wrong way or you'd be shot. These people don't know what they're talking about haha. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Iowanian:
Its nothing new...I'm already terrified to go to the Loo.
There is nothing wrong with sticking up for your friends..........I would venture to say thats why the wolves were somewhat sticking up for rustshack. even if actually IS a dipshit, he's one of ours.
Look at Skip, getting soft with the noooobs.
I'm just waiting patiently for the explosion. [Reply]
Originally Posted by H4L0:
Waterloo, locally, is called "Little Chicago". When I lived in Tampa you couldn't walk down the street past 9pm with your hat the wrong way or you'd be shot. These people don't know what they're talking about haha.