Say you've been with a girl for awhile, and your about to move in together. She goes to the bars with a few friends once every week or two and doesn't like you to come with. Her friend meets a guy and they start hanging out with his friends, and after a few weeks your girlfriend is going to a movie alone with one of the friends but she says its "just as friends". What would you do or think? [Reply]
Originally Posted by Mecca:
I'll take a dime a dozen blonde after I spent this past week getting hit on by chicks that look like they drink blood and sleep in coffins.
Thats not the question, the question is would you take her to the movies first, knowing you will at least have to spend about $25? Unless they still have those Place theatres, those are only about $1.50-$2, in that case its a whole new ballgame. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Delano:
Yes. I observe background things. Like that picture of the girl with a toilet in the background filled with a large terdell. I noticed the feces right away.
Do you have a problem with chicks dropping a deuce? [Reply]
why would holly date a 100 lb. douche bag if she was hot?
She's definitely a butter face...I guarantee that.
I hinted at this point earlier, what kind of girl would date a guy described the way this guy described him?
He literally made the guy sound like some ugly dwarf that should eat a bullet. He made him sound kinda like Gollum just with with big glasses and a bowl cut. [Reply]
Originally Posted by H4L0:
Not a fro...remember those bowl cut haircuts from the late 90's? He's got one of those. And big round glasses. (I'm not kidding or making this up)
which means holly is ugly and your friend is probably a dumbass faggot (especially if he's asking her to a movie) and not trying to fuck her...
Originally Posted by Mr. Flopnuts:
It's easy to talk shit on someone half your size. This guy is a grade A puss. I can smell the labia on this one from 2200 miles away.
RS' girl knew about CP...she clicked this thread...sees everyone called her a whore...tells new dude tells friend...friend registers and defends ugly slut
I'm pretty sure I saw Rustshack on one of the Killtac videos a while back, I don't recall him being a complete dork. Odd that the site is down right now... [Reply]
Originally Posted by H4L0:
From day one when I first met Holly, all I heard was bitching about Jeremey. All I heard from my girl was bitching about Jeremey. I never heard ONE SINGLE good thing about this dude from Holly, or anyone else.