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Media Center>Classic WoW: Invite to CP Members
BleedingRed 09:37 AM 07-23-2019

So I just wanted to let everyone know that WoW Classic is going to be coming out August 27th, 2019. This will be a chance for people to experience WoW when it was at its greatest (my opinion) Pre-The Burning Crusade. Blizzard is relaunching Legacy Servers.

In the past I have played on Private Server for years, ton of fun many endgame raids and PVP.

That being said me and about 72 players who all have END GAME EXPERIENCE and Thousands of hours in "Vanilla" or "Classic" WoW have already started forming. We are what you would consider a "Toxic Group" by most. When I say Toxic I mean we plan on camping alliance none-stop, raid wiping them, being jackasses on discord etc. But we will also be Semi-Hard Core end game raiders. That being said most people are 30-40 Years old from all walks of life. Should you like to play I wanted to invite you to join our guild. You have have plenty of people to help teach you and guide you along the way, plus you see all endgame PVE Content and guys to always PVP with.

Guild Name:
Faction: Horde
Raid Schedule: Tues/Wed 8 EST-11 EST
PVP: Pre-made Groups & World PVP Raiding

***Please follow the instructions below***
Discord Link:

Old Video's from Private Server Days

BleedingRed 09:15 AM 07-24-2019
Originally Posted by hometeam:
ONLY having a 30 minute battle res is whats keeping me from aujtomatically saying yes im going to play druid. If they had a real res it would be no question. Without it, pally starts to look more appealing to me.

People die. Shit happens. As a healer, i feel like its major gimp not to be able to pcik up a single stupid DPS for out aggroing a tank. Every other healing class can. Its classism!
What are you talking about, druids are perfect for "Oh Shit" Heals on DPS...

My ass has been saved many ah times by a druids "Swift Mend"
Setsuna 01:13 PM 07-24-2019
Can't justify paying for retail just to get to play Classic.
hometeam 03:47 PM 07-24-2019
Originally Posted by BleedingRed:
What are you talking about, druids are perfect for "Oh Shit" Heals on DPS...

My ass has been saved many ah times by a druids "Swift Mend"
Im talking about res.

They cant res except once every 30 minutes. They are fine healers in the general sense, but every other heal class can pick up my idiot friends when they die.
BleedingRed 04:13 PM 07-24-2019
Originally Posted by hometeam:
Im talking about res.

They cant res except once every 30 minutes. They are fine healers in the general sense, but every other heal class can pick up my idiot friends when they die.
Yeah but they can’t do it in combat, which is what makes druids special
Redbled 10:24 PM 07-24-2019
Hunter and Druid have always been my toons. Love Druid healing. We used to shut down all horde AHs at the same time for hours on end. We would also lock down STV on Sunday mornings for the fishing contest. For a year straight if a horde wanted a chance to win the tourney they'd pay the guild I ran huge gold. The tears were so sweet. When was it you could get all the gear you needed for pvp without touching pve? I thought it was at least by BC. I'd prefer to shoot myself in the foot than PVE.
Naptown Chief 07-25-2019, 02:17 AM
This message has been deleted by Naptown Chief.
BleedingRed 06:44 AM 07-25-2019
Originally Posted by Redbled:
Hunter and Druid have always been my toons. Love Druid healing. We used to shut down all horde AHs at the same time for hours on end. We would also lock down STV on Sunday mornings for the fishing contest. For a year straight if a horde wanted a chance to win the tourney they'd pay the guild I ran huge gold. The tears were so sweet. When was it you could get all the gear you needed for pvp without touching pve? I thought it was at least by BC. I'd prefer to shoot myself in the foot than PVE.
Redbled 11:46 PM 08-07-2019
We decided to restart our original guild alliance side for anyone not planning to go horde. Name was and will be No Mercy Mafia. Red equals dead. Let me know if you want more info.
Gravedigger 09:08 AM 08-08-2019
I don't have time for video games in general, let alone revisiting my haydays of 40 man Naxx raiding. Four nights a week, five nights on push, was just too much.
BigBeauford 12:25 PM 08-09-2019
Server lists are up:

North American Realms
Atiesh - Pacific
Mankrik - Eastern
Myzrael - Pacific
Pagle - Eastern

Faerlina - Eastern
Fairbanks - Pacific
Herod - Eastern
Thalnos - Eastern
Whitemane - Pacific

Bloodsail Buccaneers - Eastern

Grobbulus - Pacific
jd1020 12:34 PM 08-09-2019
Surprised NA gets more servers than Asia.

Feels like NA has the lowest player base in the world.
Barret 01:25 PM 08-09-2019
Which server is "MOIST" going to be on??
BigBeauford 01:49 PM 08-09-2019
I know I shouldnt try and play this, but the masochist in me is dying to play something difficult and grindy again.
jd1020 02:01 PM 08-09-2019
Originally Posted by BigBeauford:
I know I shouldnt try and play this, but the masochist in me is dying to play something difficult and grindy again.
I think people expecting it to be difficult are going to be really surprised. It was never difficult, just more time consuming. Even back in vanilla people were 4 manning Onyxia. People were just terrible at the game back then which made it seem "difficult." I wont be surprised at all if its less than a week before some hardcore private server players are 10 manning MC.
ToxSocks 02:09 PM 08-09-2019
Originally Posted by jd1020:
Even back in vanilla people were 4 manning Onyxia. People were just terrible and the game back then which made it seem "difficult." I wont be surprised at all if its less than a week before some hardcore private server players are 10 manning MC.
Oh come on, those people way out-geared the content at that point. Shit like that was incredibly rare and far, far from the norm. Look at the dates and the gear on those YouTube videos.

They're rockin' full on T3 gear while slaying a pre-raid "raid" boss. Not even T1. Nothing to do with people being terrible. There just wasn't much in terms of theory crafting back then, and the gear from Naxx was sooo much stronger then what was available in T1. Naxx was the pinnacle of raiding at the time and very few actually completed it, as it required guilds to be decked out in full T2, and most weren't even that.
jd1020 02:13 PM 08-09-2019
Originally Posted by Detoxing:
Oh come on, those people way out-geared the content at that point. Shit like that was incredibly rare and far, far from the norm.
It was rare because most people were keyboard turning and clicking.

Are you going to say that the boss fights are even remotely comparable to what they are in retail? There are so many mechanics in retail on any given boss fight its insane. In MC the boss fight will simply be dont stand in this location for the 1 mechanic the fight offers or making sure you have 3 people that can decurse. The game was mind numbingly easy and nothing complex started happening til way late in the life cycle.

Most people didn't complete Naxx because it wasn't out very long before it was dated because TBC was coming out. That's why Naxx was re-released in Wrath.
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