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Media Center>Doctor Who
keg in kc 12:57 PM 03-30-2011
Been meaning to start a thread on this for years and never have for some reason. Big fan of both the original (what I've seen/remember of it...) and the rebooted series.

New doctor:

bevischief 10:53 AM 04-24-2013
Originally Posted by keg in kc:
Little girl singing episode aside, I'm digging this season much more than last. I really liked Cold War and Hide.
I agree.
bevischief 07:20 AM 04-25-2013

Doctor Who: lots and lots of Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS images
News Louisa Mellor 25 Apr 2013 - 10:00

poilers ahoy in this glut of images from Saturday's Doctor Who episode, Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS...

Here we are then, two mini-trailers for this Saturday's Doctor Who episode, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, a short clip, and two dozen images from the adventure. That's more Doctor Who excitement in one place than is strictly healthy.

Spoilers ahead (especially in the last few images), so proceed with caution...
bevischief 01:04 PM 04-25-2013

Barrowman & Kingston Want Jack & River Spin-off
Published April 25, 2013

John Barrowman and Alex Kingston want to see a Doctor Who spin-off featuring their characters Jack and River pairing up.

Barrowman told TVaddict: “[Alex and I] got a glass of champagne and started talking about how it would be great if River and Jack – actually, she said River and Jack should have their own TV show.

“Then as we talked more, we realized that we’re both born on the same day. We’re both March 11th babies and we have so much in common. We like a lot of the same things and our attitude towards stuff is very, very similar.

“It struck a chord with us because that’s why River and Jack are very similar characters, in their attitude and their fun and their aggression, we are the same in real life – which is really ironic. So we struck it off.

“Then she came on ARROW, again we saw each other in the makeup trailer and just screamed. We both said, “Boy, there’s going to be some fan-gasms out there in a couple of weeks!” It was brilliant.”

Barrowman hasn’t forgotten about Torchwood, but he isn’t holding his breath for the show’s return any time soon.

He explained: “To be honest with you, it’s not our call again. It’s whether the BBC will commission it. After it was done with BBC and Starz, whoever has the rights, we just have to wait and see. Russell said in an interview less than six months ago, he said TORCHWOOD is not dead. It could be done in 2 years, it would be done in 5 years, it could be done in a movie. So it could still have a life, but who knows when it will be done. But the thing is, I can’t sit around and wait. I’ve got to work.”
bevischief 12:46 PM 04-30-2013

The 50th Anniversary: What We Know
Published April 30, 2013
A compilation of everything we know about the 50th anniversary special(s) so far. This article will be continually updated as more info emerges over the coming months until broadcast. For Series 7 in 2013 see this post.

LAST UPDATE: 30 April 2013
The 50th Anniversary Special

Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by Nick Hurran.

23 November 2013

Note: The episode will also be released in selected cinemas. Exact details TBC.

Began April 2013.

Note: The episode is being filmed and broadcast in 3D

Matt Smith – The Doctor
David Tennant – The Tenth Doctor
Jenna-Louise Coleman – Clara Oswald
Billie Piper – Rose Tyler
Jemma Redgrave – Kate Stewart
Ingrid Oliver – Osgood
John Hurt – TBC
Joanna Page – TBC
Ken Bones – The General
Orlando James – Lord Bentham
Marshall Griffin – TBC
Philip Buck - TBC


The Zygons


1×60 minutes (according to this BBC poster). Moffat later denied this.

The format of the anniversary is still to be confirmed by the BBC. Steven Moffat originally said “Why talk in the singular?” Matt Smith also hinted at multiple episodes, but more recent rumours seem to suggest a one-off feature-length outing.

In another interview Moffat said: “I’ve got various plans, but all I can say emphatically is it will be huge. It won’t be just one thing…. We’ll be doing lots of stuff. The plans are quite extensive, and changing all the time. Oh my God, we will hit that year very, very hard indeed.”

Story details are next to non-existent so far. The only hint given was from Matt Smith who teased the word “paintings.”

Will any past Doctors return?

David Tennant is now confirmed. As for the other Doctors:

Chris Eccleston

A BBC statement said: “Chris met with Steven Moffat a couple of times to talk about Steven’s plans for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode. After careful thought, Chris decided not to be in the episode. He wishes the team all the best.”
Paul McGann

“The anniversary doesn’t start until November. Whatever it is that they’re planning and they are making, they’ve got time to do it. It’s my feeling [and] this is just a personal thing, once they resolve Chris Eccleston’s participation or non-participation either way, then they’re free to [figure it out]… Being actors anyway, they’ll call us on the Friday and say, ‘You’re starting on a Monday’.”
Sylvester McCoy

“All the fan bases all over the world believe that [everyone should be involved], but not the producers at the BBC.”
Colin Baker

“No [I have not been asked]. As far I know, neither of any of my erstwhile colleagues have been asked either.”
Peter Davison

“I feel no need to turn my back on it, but I don’t feel like it’s the kind of thing they’d do. I’d be very surprised if they tried to do anything involving the old Doctors because it always takes a slight stretch of the imagination anyway to figure out why the previous Doctors look older, but I’m sure that can be done.”
Tom Baker

“I think if they ask me nicely or I can see what they want me to do, I’d consider it. I think the fans have been so good to me, they’d expect me to at least make an appearance.”
What about past companions?

Billie Piper (Rose) is now confirmed. As for the other companions:

10th-doctor-era-companions Carole Ann Ford will return as Susan Foreman according to a rumour in the Express.

Louise Jameson (Leela): “None of us knows yet what’s going on, just told to keep the days free.”

Sophie Aldred (Ace): “I’d love to. I’d drop everything. I did find out that Russell T Davies had planned for Ace [to appear in] the Sarah Jane Adventures… You never know. I’m waiting for a call.”

Noel Clarke (Mickey): “I’m sure if I was gonna be there, I’d know about it already. If they called me, then I’m sure there’d be a conversation, but I’m not calling them or chasing it.”

John Barrowman (Captain Jack): “Everyone on Twitter tries to make it like it’s my decision, but the bottom line is I was not asked. [The Powers That Be] don’t want to put Jack in it. And I know fans are really upset about it, as was I.”

Freema Agyeman (Martha): “I’m doing two things for the 50th but nothing to do with being in the drama. I got misquoted hideously once saying that there are some rumblings going on about being involved in the 50th in terms of the drama. It’s not. It’s in terms of conventions and interviews and things like that, which we’re all doing stuff to promote the 50th. We have to. It’s the ‘Doctor Who’ family and we want to.”

Karen Gillan (Amy):”Whether Arthur Darvill and I are involved, we’ll have to wait and see.”
Monsters & Villains

50th-anniversary-art-bbcw-monstersMoffat on bringing back classic monsters:

“One thing I’m slightly concerned about is that you get something like the 50, people start talking like it’s a full stop. I want to build for the future. I want to set up the next 50 years and to say: ‘Here are the new monsters we’re introducing.’ Rather than doing something which might seem like a farewell tour, because it certainly is not.”

The Express claimed that Master will be back, but played by Benedict Cumberbatch. However Cumberbatch and Moffat later denied it. Moffat said that John Simm is still the Master.
An Adventure in Space and Time

Written by Mark Gatiss

November (TBC)


1×90 minutes


A special BBC 2 drama has been commissioned to mark the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. An Adventure In Space And Time will tell the story of the genesis of Doctor Who since its first broadcast on 23 November 1963. Exploring all aspects of the longest running science fiction series to date, the special one-off 90-minute drama will also look at the many personalities involved in bringing the series to life. Written by Mark Gatiss, it is executive produced by current Doctor Who showrunner, Steven Moffat, and Caroline Skinner.

February 2013. Wrapped 1 March 2013


David Bradley - William Hartnell (the First Doctor)
Brian Cox - Sydney Newman (BBC head of drama)
Jessica Raine - Verity Lambert (Doctor Who’s first producer)
Sacha Dhawan - Waris Hussein (Doctor Who’s first director)
Lesley Manville - Heather Hartnell (William’s wife)
Reece Shearsmith – Patrick Troughton (the second Doctor)
Jeff Rawle - Mervyn Pinfield (Doctor Who’s associate producer)
Andrew Woodall – Rex Tucker (BBC producer)
Ian Hallard – Richard Martin (Doctor Who director)
Jamie Glover - William Russell (companion Ian)
Jemma Powell - Jacqueline Hill (companion Barbara)
Claudia Grant - Carole Ann Ford (the Doctor’s granddaughter Susan)
Sarah Winter - Delia Derbyshire (musician at the BBC Radiophonic Workshop)
William Russell – (the original Ian Chesterton) as Harry
Reece Pockney - Alan
Sophie Holt – Jackie Lane (companio
bevischief 07:40 AM 05-03-2013
Doctor Who: new finale picture brings series 7 full circle
50th Filming: A Blast from the Past
Nightmare in Silver Details
bevischief 12:27 PM 05-03-2013

Nightmare in Silver: Who’s Back?

bevischief 06:48 AM 05-07-2013

Doctor Who: lots and lots of Nightmare In Silver images
bevischief 12:34 PM 05-09-2013

Nightmare in Silver: 2nd Clip

This looks good.
keg in kc 02:50 PM 05-09-2013
This is the Gaiman episode right?
bevischief 09:29 AM 05-10-2013
Originally Posted by keg in kc:
This is the Gaiman episode right?
bevischief 09:30 AM 05-10-2013

50th Anniversary: More Hurt Rumours

Big spoiler for the 50th anniversary.
bevischief 11:25 AM 05-10-2013

Matt Smith and Neil Gaiman Introduce Nightmare in Silver
keg in kc 01:23 PM 05-10-2013
I've heard this one isn't quite on the level of The Doctor's Wife.
keg in kc 02:26 AM 05-12-2013

bevischief 02:36 AM 05-12-2013
Originally Posted by keg in kc:
Can"t wait.
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