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Media Center>Doctor Who
keg in kc 12:57 PM 03-30-2011
Been meaning to start a thread on this for years and never have for some reason. Big fan of both the original (what I've seen/remember of it...) and the rebooted series.

New doctor:

bevischief 11:30 AM 04-09-2013

Sigh Of Relief: Matt Smith Is Back In 2014
Don't get ready to say good-bye to this Time Lord just yet

by MICHAEL HINMAN, posted Apr-1-2013
Source: Radio Times

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Straighten that bowtie (they are cool, after all) because Matt Smith is returning as The Doctor in 2014.

Straighten that bowtie (they are cool, after all) because Matt Smith is returning as The

There was a lot of concern in the "Doctor Who" fan community that Matt Smith was going to hang up his sonic screwdriver after just three years in the Tardis.

But it seems that people were getting concerned a bit too early. That's because Smith has committed to return as The Doctor in 2014.

The news broke through Britain's Radio Times, quashing an overall belief that the 50th anniversary special in November would end with a Doctor regeneration and departure of Smith, the 11th actor to officially take on the role.

"I came back and put the costume on for the photo shoot" that day, Smith told the publication. "At the risk of sounding self-indulgent and cheesy, it really does make you want to go back and start shooting. I'm attached to the show for the next year, and I take it year by year. I think that's the only way you can take it."

This should mean that Smith is around for most if not all of Season 8, and that his future beyond that is still optimistic. While Smith has hinted about relocating to the United States and break into acting there, he has not seemed to be too ready to give up on "Doctor Who," which is still enjoying stellar ratings not just on BBC, but on BBC America as well.

Smith joined "Doctor Who" in 2010 in what some felt were some very tumultuous times. Not only had a popular actor, David Tennant, departed the series, but so did showrunner Russell T. Davies, the man responsible for resurrecting "Doctor Who" in the first place. It was a new Doctor, new companion, new approach -- yet audiences embraced all of it quickly, and Smith's version of The Doctor has established a very large fan following that could rival that of Tennant's.

Tennant himself has already been confirmed as a returning actor for the 50th anniversary special along with Billie Piper, who played Rose in the first two seasons of the modern era. However, it does seem highly unlikely that Christopher Eccleston, who played the ninth Doctor, is going to return, nor John Barrowman, who played popular companion Capt. Jack Harkness.

"Doctor Who" is currently airing the back half of Season 7 every Saturday night on BBC and BBC America.
bevischief 12:15 PM 04-09-2013
Links to the 50th Anniversary.
The Iron Chief 07:21 AM 04-10-2013
I was a fan of this show some 30 yrs ago and just haven't checked in with it since.
So I noticed the past few weeks my 13 yr old son has set the DVR to record all new episodes,he is very much enjoying the series.
I'll have to sit down and see what I've been missing.
I'm sure nothings changed from the days I

bevischief 10:30 AM 04-10-2013
Originally Posted by The Iron Chief:
I was a fan of this show some 30 yrs ago and just haven't checked in with it since.
So I noticed the past few weeks my 13 yr old son has set the DVR to record all new episodes,he is very much enjoying the series.
I'll have to sit down and see what I've been missing.
I'm sure nothings changed from the days I

You have been missing a lot.
bevischief 09:42 AM 04-12-2013

Clips of the next one.
bevischief 07:42 AM 04-15-2013

Doctor Who: Hide promo trailers more the jump.
bevischief 08:10 AM 04-16-2013
bevischief 12:36 PM 04-16-2013

Guest contributor Shay Hatchard ponders over the latest mysteries.

“Run you clever boy… and remember.”

The return of Doctor Who has left many fans speculating, desperate to know the truth about Clara and uncover the mystery behind ‘the impossible girl’. Each week, i’ll be taking an in-depth look at each episode, as we examine the evidence we’ve been given to try and piece the clues together.

Last week’s blockbuster ‘The Rings Of Akhaten’ saw some intriguing developments, but nothing too major. We dipped into Clara’s history to uncover the reasoning behind her special leaf, and we also learnt that the TARDIS seems to have a little bit of a problem with the Doctor’s latest assistant… perhaps pointing at this ‘face-off’ were promised, in ‘Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.’
Cold War

doctor-who-cold-war-promo-pics-(26)Regrettably, ‘Cold War’ was so busy re-introducing the Ice Warriors (and what a fabulous introduction to NuWho it was!) that there was no time to develop the ongoing storyline with Clara Oswald. As the closing credits fell, I found myself pondering what I could possibly write about. So, as a little sidestep this week, I will be taking a look to the future, on what I believe the remaining episodes to hold.

series 7 part 2 gallery 1 (13)Once again, I believe ‘Hide’ won’t reveal too much on who this girl may be, but I think a few intriguing clues may be thrown in. Take this quote for one:

CLARA: “So, I am a ghost. To you. I’m a ghost. We’re all ghosts to you. We must be nothing.”
DOCTOR: “No, you’re not that.”
CLARA: “Then what are we? What can we possibly be?”
DOCTOR: “The only mystery worth solving.”

Now, doesn’t that look like the Doctor might have FINALLY got round to informing Clara on the whole ‘impossible girl’ business? If so, it feels like things might be pushed along a little bit.
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

series-7-part-2-spring-2013-trailer-(12)Probably the most hotly anticipated of the series. We’ve been teased that we’ll see more of the TARDIS then ever before; that Clara is ‘lost’ inside; and that she and the TARDIS have a small ‘face-off’. It was also revealed in a quote from DWM that the Doctor sets his own prized possession on self-destruct – promising only to lift the charm once Clara is safe and sound by his side. It seems Eleven is becoming very over-protective of Clara… maybe because she’s the only thing that keeps him moving in the universe? It also seems likely that a bit of a bombshell will be dropped onto this episode too, with Clara discovering the greatest secret of the TARDIS… I think nobody needs to worry about development on this front.
The Crimson Horror

doctor-who-series-7-part-2-bbc-2013-trailerNow this episode could be interesting. I predict that when the infamous Pasternoster Gang return, disagreements may be caused between the trio and the Doctor for delving into the past, desperate to know – just like the rest of the world – how Clara could be living in three separate streams of time, with no memory of the previous. I think this is when the mystery behind Clara will really be placed front and centre…
Nightmare in Silver

series-7-part-2-coming-soon-trailer-(43)While Gaiman may be busy re-introducing a new take on the Cyberman, as this is the penultimate episode, I think a few surprises won’t be amiss. If we look at the previous penultimate – the Series 6 episode ‘Closing Time’ also happening to be a Cybermen story trivia fans – that landed with such a gripping cliffhanger, leading straight into the finale. Now, if Moffat wants to take his usual trolling journey, we can expect a fantastic adventure, finishing with a couple of closing scenes that shock and surprise us.

series-7-part-2-spring-2013-trailer-(17)I really do like this title. Now this is the episode where everything kicks off. We have the mystery of Clara to wrap up, the imposing gravestone of ‘ONG”s as well as the Doctor’s greatest secret to be revealed to the entire universe. I for one am hoping for this to be set on the Fields Of Trenzalore, because as much as I do not want Matt leaving at the end of 2013, I am becoming ever so tired of the whole Silence arc. I am enjoying it, but I really need it to just be answered and get on! My other prediction for the episode is one many of you might not have contemplated that when River returns she’ll know EXACTLY who Clara is…

And that is it for this little sidestep in my usual analysis of the episode. What are your predictions for the remainder of the series and its mysteries? Let us know as usual in the comments below.
whoman69 09:49 AM 04-17-2013
Don't miss the Doctors Revisited: 4th Doctor 4/28 7 pm central. Tom Baker is the longest serving Doctor in all series having filmed 7 seasons of episodes. The episode that will be shown is Pyramids of Mars. Pyramids deals with a cult serving an ancient god named Sutekh. I always thought it was one of his better epsiodes, however I had thought they were going to show Genesis of the Daleks from the previews about Baker they have on the website.
bevischief 12:06 PM 04-17-2013
bevischief 05:47 PM 04-17-2013
Clara and Rose. Something in common.
bevischief 06:49 AM 04-19-2013
Hide: First & Second Clip

Next Three Series 7 Part 2 Posters

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Spoiler

The Crimson Horror Synopsis

Series 7 Finale Title Revealed
bevischief 05:22 AM 04-21-2013
Not liking this season so far.
bevischief 01:02 PM 04-23-2013

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Gallery
Published April 23, 2013

In the gallery below you will find the official BBC promo pics for this Saturday’s episode, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.

Note: Some of pics reveal episode details that spoilerphobes may want to avoid.
keg in kc 01:25 PM 04-23-2013
Originally Posted by bevischief:
Not liking this season so far.
Little girl singing episode aside, I'm digging this season much more than last. I really liked Cold War and Hide.
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