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Nzoner's Game Room>***NON-POLITICAL COVID-19 Discussion Thread***
JakeF 10:28 PM 02-26-2020
A couple of reminders...

Originally Posted by Bwana:
Once again, don't come in this thread with some kind of political agenda, or you will be shown the door. If you want to go that route, there is a thread about this in DC.
Originally Posted by Dartgod:
People, there is a lot of good information in this thread, let's try to keep the petty bickering to a minimum.

We all have varying opinions about the impact of this, the numbers, etc. We will all never agree with each other. But we can all keep it civil.


Click here for the original OP:


PAChiefsGuy 11:19 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by BleedingRed:
A. This as a insult is sooooo incredibly weak, like cringe worthy weak. Call me a name next time please.... Anything

B. Why are you in denial about the protests?

Lets see bar hopping vs. 100,000+ in the streets for days.

Durrrr I DOnT KnOw WHeRe AlL ThEse New CaSes ArE coMing From.
You are clearly either an alcoholic or a moron. I can't seem to figure out which. Maybe both?

Anyway as far as what is causing spread of the CoronaVirus protests or drunk bar hoppers -- it's both! How much one and how much the other is anyone's guess but to say its just the protest is ridiculous considering they were outside and wearing masks.
tk13 11:19 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
You should probably think long and hard about why you are making up things and claiming that I said them.
You're the only one making things up. Governors and health leaders of multiple states have clearly stated what is causing their spike in cases.

You're trying to score political points because you're consumed by your bias. You have two large groups of people making high risk decisions at the same time, and likely causing this increase in cases, and you write this big long post blaming one side of the two. Pro tip, the virus doesn't give a crap about politics. If you're out there making high-risk decisions, you're likely going to make things worse.
KCUnited 11:21 AM 06-26-2020
Quarantine fatigue, likely by young people (protests, graduation parties, night out with friends, etc).
stumppy 11:22 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
Those scientists made it political did they not?
No, you did.
mr. tegu 11:25 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by tk13:
You're the only one making things up. Governors and health leaders of multiple states have clearly stated what is causing their spike in cases.

You're trying to score political points because you're consumed by your bias. You have two large groups of people making high risk decisions at the same time, and likely causing this increase in cases, and you write this big long post blaming one side of the two. Pro tip, the virus doesn't give a crap about politics. If you're out there making high-risk decisions, you're likely going to make things worse.

You are pathetic. Show me where I said protesting was more high risk than the crowding into bars. You claimed I said that as if my post was based on that premise. So that’s your lie. I even said in my post cases would increase when things opened up. Are you so devoid of critical thought that you must try to put me into a position in your mind you feel comfortable arguing against?
mr. tegu 11:28 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by stumppy:
No, you did.

So two thousand scientists and doctors signing up to say it’s okay to protest depending on what you are protesting isn’t making it political?
Discuss Thrower 11:28 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by mr. tegu:
So two thousand scientists and doctors signing up to say it’s okay to protest depending on what you are protesting isn’t making it political?
lewdog 11:29 AM 06-26-2020
Many AZ hospitals stopping elective surgeries.......again.
WhawhaWhat 11:30 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by KCUnited:
Quarantine fatigue, likely by young people (protests, graduation parties, night out with friends, etc).
I've been delivering for DoorDash and I've seen a lot of restaurants completely full with people of all ages. The employees are wearing masks but nobody else. Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, etc. same deal. It's not young people, it's everyone. Americans are idiots.

Only place different is Costco because they require masks to get in. I won't leave the house without one.
mr. tegu 11:31 AM 06-26-2020
Another thing worth understanding or considering is how people will have changed their behaviors based on the protests and lack of concern by the media towards them regarding the virus.

How many people that had nothing to do with protesting said to themselves they might as well go out more now? Or guess they don’t need to social distance as much anymore? Or businesses more likely to ignore guidelines?
mr. tegu 11:32 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by Discuss Thrower:

I’m immediately reminded why I haven’t bothered with this thread in a while.
dirk digler 11:33 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by WhawhaWhat:
I've been delivering for DoorDash and I've seen a lot of restaurants completely full with people of all ages. The employees are wearing masks but nobody else. Wal-Mart, Target, grocery stores, etc. same deal. It's not young people, it's everyone. Americans are idiots.

Only place different is Costco because they require masks to get in. I won't leave the house without one.

Yup and this what I have seen here in MO. Very few wear masks and people are just going about like they normally do. This is the reason why there is outbreaks in those high case states.
dirk digler 11:38 AM 06-26-2020
The VP just said it was ok to do huge events. So there you go.
loochy 11:49 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by ThaVirus:
Shit. We can't say we didn't see this sort of thing on the horizon, but it's disheartening.

I read that Texas shut down elective surgeries a couple days ago as well.
TEXAS did not shut down elective surgeries. Certain counties did (Harris, Bexar, Dallas, Travis).
TLO 11:53 AM 06-26-2020
Originally Posted by dirk digler:
The VP just said it was ok to do huge events. So there you go.
I thought the briefing overall was quite informative.
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