The Tiger didn't pick Negan to attack ?? He was the only one walking around making him the biggest target...
The Trash bitch needs to die...
They are out a lot...
Oh.. The Mullet and Dwight need to die too...
Like the show but could have done without the Sasha dream scenes.... [Reply]
Ok that made up for a less than stellar, to put it lightly, season. And only 25 minutes of commercials, yes I timed them for this season finale. [Reply]
That was alright, but when you have such a season of shit you can't have an average episode for the finale. This show is starting to get annoying. [Reply]
I thought that was a great finale. Sasha going down and Dwight will be interesting next season. Curious if Eugene is all about Negan... I'm ready for war. [Reply]
I thought it was pretty good. Definitely the best episode of the season, but that was a low bar to cross. Finally got to see Ezekiel not be a pussy. It was pretty common knowledge Negan would live but I would have liked seeing Simon or trash heap weirdo or some other main-ish enemy get killed. Looking forward to October. [Reply]
Originally Posted by Sure-Oz:
I thought that was a great finale. Sasha going down and Dwight will be interesting next season. Curious if Eugene is all about Negan... I'm ready for war.
Eugene needs to get a Rick bullet to the Mullet.... [Reply]