About to hit the 5000 post mark on the old thread, the first season 7 trailer today seems like the right time to start the final Game of Thones thread.
I'm going back to the original rules pre-2015. I don't think we need supervision or bannings. Just don't be a dick. Post anything you find online that hasn't aired yet inside of spoiler tags. That's pretty much it. I think we can all handle that...
Originally Posted by mdchiefsfan:
Army on the land preventing escape, and the fleet blocking the exit from the Harbor. It would be tough to escape. Danny possesses the only severe advantage against any military unit (that we have seen to this point): the sky.
And when Jamie said it was the most likely landing spot for Danny, he also said their army doesn't have the food supply they once had from high garden. Making the Tyrells the first obstacle, not dragon stone and Dani's fleet sailing in. Cerci also already sent word to Jon to come bend the knee down in the north. Cerci and the lannisters don't have a pot to piss in to fight all their enemies [Reply]
Originally Posted by crazycoffey:
And when Jamie said it was the most likely landing spot for Danny, he also said their army doesn't have the food supply they once had from high garden. Making the Tyrells the first obstacle, not dragon stone and Dani's fleet sailing in. Cerci also already sent word to Jon to come bend the knee down in the north. Cerci and the lannisters don't have a pot to piss in to fight all their enemies
Under the assumption that they are unable to meet Dany's forces in Dragon Stone, their advantage still is heavily predicated upon Euron's fleet's mobility. Dorne poses a great threat to that ability from what I recall reading the books.
Edit: isn't Dragonstone severely close to Kings Landing? They wouldn't need supplies provided in an area of war due to the proximity. They hold down King's Landing while Euron's attacks on the island's flank. [Reply]
I thought the season trailer made it pretty clear Euron's fleet is going to be fighting Theon's fleet. I don't see him providing support on land anytime soon. And even if he does defeat them his army isn't going to be much help on land anyways given that it seems the Greyjoys aren't worth much in land battles. [Reply]
Thanks. Dragonstone being at the mouth of Blackwater Bay makes Dany the immediate threat. Highgarden will have no impact on the army's movements or tactics. [Reply]
Man. This show kicks ass. You can't look at any of the production. Not even a costume and say, "yep - that's weak".
It was interesting that John didn't face the resistance they were building. Sansa relented hard saying he is as far from Geoffrey as anyone she's met and Tormound they showed scowling in the previews but he fell in lockstep with John. Which makes some sense. Why would they follow him forever and into battle for his home only to pitch a bitch fit when they get a castle?
And the chamber pot scene was very Breaking Bad-Esque [Reply]
Just from the trailer it seemed like the Dothraki and Daenerys would be headed towards Kings Landing, Unsullied to Casterly Rock, and the Greyjoy fleets fighting.
But it seems we do find out what prompts Jon to head to Dragonstone. The only question is how soon, but I'm guessing before any of the stuff at the wall as they probably go there to get dragon glass that Sam will be telling him is there. I wonder if he will meet Daenerys there or if she will already be gone. [Reply]
Originally Posted by crazycoffey:
No. He said he'd give cerci her greatest desire. Either Tyrian or Sansa IMO. But more likely tyian.
I think you're confusing that with what Ellaria Sand said to Lady Tyrell. Euron talked about a priceless/great(I can't remember the exact term)gift. [Reply]