Think its about time we separate the consoles. I would like to officially start a log of who owns a PS4 for future gaming groups.
Username ...............| CP name
lllGurulll ..................| Guru
SuddenlyToast ........| SuperChief
CONeal81 ...............| Wyatt Earp
theXfactor82 ..........| CanadianChief
Jerm_C ..................| Jerm
Aturnis ..................| Aturnis
Betelgeuse-123 .......| mother****erjones
hnosaj2 .................| jiveturkey
bgguitarman ...........|bgguitarman
shoxfan .................|Mr. Arrowhead
hboosboy ...............|Ted Theodore Logan
rogersmattr ............| Superturtle
valbrandon..............| BigBeauford
OnlyInDreams23 .....| Goshox
Hntrsdad..................l Gonzo
crazycoffey ..............| crazycoffey
kcrockaholic4life .......| kcrockaholic
Demonpenz .............| Demonpenz
Tytunn ....................| DC.chief
Smelcolm_Black .......| Chest Rockwell
djjasonp ..................| DJJasonp
pestilenceaf23 ..........| Dicky McElephant
TinyEvel ..................| TinyEvel
RAIZx762 ................| bigjosh006
TheGentleman69 .....| Clyde Frog
LuckyDogRocker ......| BigChiefFan